The DC Extended Universe’s latest brings us back to the 80s in Wonder Woman 1984. Returning lead Gal Gadot plays Diana Prince following decades of her role in World War I. While she still takes up the Wonder Woman mantle, Diana now tries to blend in with humankind even taking up anthropology. Upon meeting new co-worker Barbara Ann Minerva the two clash after supernatural forces changes her.

Wonder Woman 1984 is a 2020 superhero film based on the DC character of the same name, it is produced by DC Films and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is currently in theaters and on a limited 30 day run on HBO Max via subscription.
Editor’s Note: Near complete to complete spoilers for Wonder Woman 1984 may be present within this review.

The sequel to surprise 2017 hit Wonder Woman takes us to the 1980s. Diana while not necessary traumatized by her first experiences with human life during World War I has still had a bit of an effect on her, namely the eventual loss of her lover Steve Trevor. Now mostly adjusted to human living Diana still works as Wonder Woman from within the shadows. After making a new friend at work Diana is put in the middle of a supernatural event led by desperate wanna-be oil tycoon Maxwell Lord that puts the entire world at stake during an already intense Cold War.

THE GOOD: Following a brief look into Diana’s childhood where she’s taught an important lesson about truth and honesty the film begins with Diana stopping a jewelry store in a mall from being robbed. She now works as an anthropologist where she meets her co-worker Barbara a women who’s typically ignored by most but is instantly mesmerized by Diana. The two build a slow burning friendship with one another after the Smithsonian comes into possession of a magical wish granting stone they unknowingly make wishes that are granted; Diana for former lover Steve to return & Barbara to be just like Diana. The two are soon introduced to Maxwell Lord a con-man trying to gain ground from within the oil industry. Maxwell successfully seduces Barbara and takes the stone wishing to become the personification of the stone itself. Having suffered from illness Maxwell slowly gains power and health with each wish he grants. His wishes have a massive cause and effect issue that greatly effects the world for the worst. As Maxwell’s greed consumes him he begins to ignore his only son Alistair which was his most precious treasure. Meanwhile Diana realizes that each wish takes something from the person who made it after reuniting with Steve who’s soul now possesses the body of another man. Diana begins to get weaker and weaker becoming mortal. Barbara on the other hand is gaining strength and immortality coming to find out that Diana is actually Wonder Woman.
Upon discovering that the stone was made by a trick god and it has a history of destroying civilizations that used it Diana and Steve deduce that Maxwell has become the stone and if necessary they may have to kill him to save the world. Barbara protests and resolves to protect him. Having gotten the President to make a wish allowing Maxwell to make his own he gains control of the world’s broadcasting systems thus turning his ability to grant wishes global. Following a previous fight in the white house Barbara and Diana once again face each other (Diana having given up Steve for her powers to return) this time with Barbara transformed into a powerful anthropomorphic cheetah, Diana now dons the armor of legendary Amazonas Asteria which she found during her travels within the human world. Diana defeats a seemingly lost Barbara and pursues Maxwell who is still accepting wishes. Diana forces Maxwell to see the truth of the damage he’s causing to the world and he renounces his wish while Diana convinces everyone in the world to denounce their wishes as well ridding the world of the stone. Sometime later the world begins its recovery process and Diana meets the owner of the body Steve was possessing hinting at a potential relationship. Meanwhile Asteria (played by original Wonder Woman Lynda Carter) is revealed to be alive and living among humans just like Diana.

Wonder Woman 1984 features an all-star main cast with high level performances. Gal Gadot continues to surprise as the titular character and it’s neat seeing Kristen Wiig back in the spotlight. The eye-popping colors are back in Wonder Woman 1984 and often times improved upon such as the fireworks scene. For that reason alone basing the film within the 80s is brilliant, it was an extremely colorful time period full of vibrancy. Although numbered in count compared to the first, the action sequences are fun when they’re there. But do go into the film knowing it’s not as action heavy as the previous.

THE BAD: Wonder Woman 1984 lacks action compared to the original, but in fairness the first film was based in war times. Granted WW84 is also based within war that being the Cold War, but less so than it’s predecessor. It also suffers from a bit of repeated plot syndrome which sequels often have trouble with when it comes to making magic twice after a strong initial film. The return of Steve is cool but also a bit unnecessary especially so close to the time period where Diana becomes a founding mother of the Justice League. That among other plot points hold Wonder Woman 1984 back from the originality of the first film and it begins to feel redundant. The sequel taking place prior to Diana’s introduction to Bruce would have been a fun take to help bring things closer together. Obviously due to the time period taking place decades before this wasn’t possible.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Despite a number of delays due to COVID-19 the Wonder Woman sequel finally makes it to theaters and HBO Max subscribers. While the sequel is just as colorful if not more so in many instances as the original it doesn’t really do too much to standout from it. There’s also a distinct lack of action compared to the first film, but if you can ignore it’s few flaws Wonder Woman 1984 is still one of the better DCEU films thanks to the action sequences that are present and strong performances from an ace cast. Otaku Dome gives Wonder Woman 1984 a 70 out of 100.
[…] our review of Wonder Woman 1984 it was regarded as one of the better DCEU films though was held back by a lack of action and […]