Beginning this Saturday on Cartoon Network, Ben 10 Omniverse embarks on a journey of monstrous proportions with a special three-episode Monster Planet arc! In order to defeat some otherworldly foes, Ben and Rook must team up with some unlikely allies – and Ben will undergo some haunting new alien transformations! The spooky fun begins this Saturday at 9 a.m. (ET/PT).
* 03/22/14: “Rad Monster Party”: Ben and Rook enlist the help of intergalactic smuggler Rad Dudesman to fly them through the Anur System-the home of the monstrous aliens!
* 03/29/14: “Charmed, I’m Sure”: Still stranded on the monster planet Anur Transyl, Ben and Rook reluctantly team up with Charmcaster to take on Zs’ Skayr.
* 04/05/14: “The Vampire Strikes Back”: Ben, Rook, and Rad Dudesman come face to face with the evil Lord Transyl, a vampire-like alien who can make anyone his loyal slave! (Introducing new Ben alien, Whampire)