Star Wars’ first-ever (and first of many) live-action TV series has premiered on Disney+ in The Mandalorian. Focusing on the infamous Mandalorian race of bounty hunters, the series takes place five years after Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. A lone bounty hunter named Dyn Jarren who takes on odd jobs before being tasked with acquiring a unique target. During his mission he is forced into a gun fight and teams up with a Droid bounty hunter in the first episode.

The Mandalorian is a 2019 science fiction, western web series, it is produced by Lucasfilm & Golem Creations and distributed by Walt Disney. It currently airs exclusively on Disney+.
Editor’s Note: Medium to near complete spoilers for The Mandalorian Episode 1 may be present within this review.

For the first time we have a live-action Star Wars TV series that’s made that light of day. After nearly a decade on TV in animation form, the franchise takes a slight break from that style with the Disney+ launch series The Mandalorian. While likely not the fandom’s first choice for the first live-action TV show The Mandalorian is a good side step into the lesser explored worlds of the series while showing some similar looking faces to keep longtime fans happy. The series focuses on a member of the titular race named Dyn Jarren as he is tasked with acquiring and protecting his latest target.

THE GOOD: Episode one of The Mandalorian has our titular hero accepting an under-the-table job of acquiring a fifty year old target with said target being brought back to the client alive. Taken down payment (Beskar steel which he crafts into a piece for his armor) to accept the job, The Mandalorian heads to planet Arvala-7 to finish out his mission. Soon after landing on the desert world, he’s ambushed by two Blurgg, but is saved by a man named Kuiil. Kuill helps The Mandalorian locate his target, but warns him of the previous bounty hunters who perished travelling there due to it being a criminal encampment. After being attacked by the criminals, The Mandalorian meets a droid bounty hunter named IG-11 and the two are forced to team up to defeat the criminals and acquire the target. The target turns out to be an infant member of the same (currently unknown) species that Jedi Master Yoda belongs to. As IG-11 attempts to kill the infant, The Mandalorian kills him and takes the infant with him.

The first thing that really caught my attention when watching The Mandalorian was its eye-popping special effects. It shouldn’t really be all that surprising given it’s insane budget, but even saying that it’s a huge testament to what can be achieved if a little more effort (and a lot more cash) is given to a project. There were times when I could rarely tell what was make up and what was CGI and there’s some beautiful imagery on display throughout the viewing. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before or not on here, but I’m not the biggest Star Wars nerd. While I have seen some of the newer films and seldomly the original I have gained most of my knowledge and appreciation for the franchise through other sources of media such as video games and personal research here and there. And honestly I feel like The Mandalorian is a good example of some Star Wars material that can be enjoyed without prior knowledge of the series. Or in my case a lack of major knowledge for the series. It’s similar to how I feel about Rogue One and it’s one of the reasons why I think it’s the greatest Star Wars film of the more recent crop. There’s a lot that The Mandalorian can build up to for newer fans lore wise like Rogue One before it and whether or not that involve Jedi, Sith, etc lore remains to be seen, but is entirely possible and welcomed. Even so there’s enough easter eggs and references to make even the most critical Star Wars fan smile a little.

THE BAD: Longtime Star Wars fans probably won’t dig The Mandalorian for being a bit too spaced out from the franchise’s initial lore, and it’s likely this one will be for those who spent more time with the franchise’s expanded universe(s).

OVERALL THOUGHTS: The Mandalorian is another excellent example of Star Wars stepping out of its comfort zone of Sith Lords, Jedi Masters, and all that in between. It provides a fun, newer approach into exploring the surrounding worlds of the galaxy far, far, away with enough originality to stand on its own legs. Otaku Dome gives The Mandalorian Chapter One an 85 out of 100.
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