The comedy shounen series, The Devil is a Part-Timer by White Fox studios (anime) and ASCII Media Works (manga), comes home to blu-ray in a new set released by Funimation Entertainment. Following the premise of the manga/novel series, Satan must find employment in order to survive in his new home; Earth. Featuring references and parodies, The Devil is a Part-Timer is a genuinely funny comedy anime, with some solid action scenes.
The Devil is a Part-Timer is an 2013 shounen anime series, it is produced by White Fox Studios, and licensed by Funimation, it is currently available on DVD and Blu-Ray in English.
The Devil is a Part-Timer follows Satan, previously a dark ruler of his home world, after an ambush, he and his trusted servant Aciel travel to Earth. There they opt to use magic lightly, and seek employment in order to survive in our world. I found myself enjoying The Devil is a Part-Timer mostly due to it’s actually funny comedy and some fun action scenes. Admittedly, the series can be a tad fast paced, but with only thirteen episodes to work with this is usually expected these days.
THE GOOD: While a shounen series, The Devil is a Part-Timer is more heavily reliant on comedy than action. Most of the setting takes place at the Devil’s apartment, and MgRonald’s (obviously a parody of McDonald’s) in which most of the comedic relief takes place. I’ve probably mentioned once or twice that I;m not much of a fan of comedic anime, but I do find it enjoyable when done right, and I found myself laughing more than a few times throughout my watch of The Devil is a Part-Timer.
THE BAD: The series can be a little fast paced, which can often make some moments a tad forgettable.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: The Devil is a Part-Timer brings the laughs and when needed (albeit to a lesser extent), the action. Witnessing The Devil & Aciel’s journey to Earth is an enjoyable experience, pacing however is probably the main flaw of the series. Otaku Dome gives The Devil is a Part-Timer an 80 out of 100.
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