From the director of critically acclaimed anime series Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Space Dandy comes his next epic in Terror in Resonance. Focusing on two teenage terrorist named Nine & Twelve, Terror in Resonance tells a dramatic story which showcases the life of terrorist, their reasons for doing what they do, and how they blend into civilization.
Terror in Resonance is an 2014 anime series directed by Watanabe Shinichiro. It is produced by MAPPA, and licensed by Funimation. It is currently available on DVD, Blu-Ray and through streaming.
Terror in Resonance comes from one of the most celebrated men in anime & manga; Watanabe Shinichiro, a man who has a history of great anime work including one of which (arguably two), that’s seen as Legendary in Cowboy Bebop. When word first spread about Terror in Resonance many people didn’t think much about it until Watanabe’s name was brought to light as being involved with the project. Watanabe once again delivers an exciting anime that many will remember fondly.
THE GOOD: Terror in Resonance is only eleven episodes long, but in these eleven episodes an increasingly fast paced, dramatic story of two teenage terrorist unfolds. With some good focus on the three main characters Nine, Twelve, and Lisa, as well as some side characters, Terror in Resonance represents the style of Watanabe well. The use of teenagers as the “bad guys” was a brilliant way to increase the drama.
THE BAD: The latter half of the story kind of lacks until the final episodes.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Terror in Resonance, while short, gets a lot done in it’s eleven episode life cycle. Focusing on teenage “villains” who were experimented on, Terror in Resonance might by Watanabe’s darkest piece yet. The story kind of floats about a bit down the road, but I’ll contribute this to time constraints more than the story itself. Otaku Dome gives Terror in Resonance: The Complete Series an 80 out of 100.
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