The serialization of individual South Park seasons into one continuing storyline keeps going in season nineteen of the long-running series. Debuting in 1997 South Park was known for it’s controversial social commentary, fowl language, and super violence. It also became known for getting the point series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker wanted to get across in the best of possible ways.
South Park is an 1997 animated comedy series, it is produced by South Park Studios and distributed by Comedy Central, it is currently available on Hulu, DVD, and Blu-Ray.
South Park’s nineteenth season, despite a somewhat love-hate relationship with fans, is regarded as one of the best in the last few years. Taking aim at Yelp reviews, PC, tricky ads, and more this season refuses to hold back with it’s brutal social satire. Using a more canonical storyline for an entire season, season nineteen, while short is sweet and to the point.
THE GOOD: South Park season nineteen introduced new characters such as David and PC Principal, and honestly after having so many classic characters killed off in recent years it was time for some new blood to hit the town of South Park. The serialized storyline for the entire season made the social commentary a lot easier to understand compared to years prior, and Matt Stone and Trey Parker seem to have gotten more serious about it lately. The season also features two musical numbers that are pretty damn catchy.
THE BAD: Some episodes felt a little out of place given the overall direction of the season.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: South Park season 19 will have a definite love and hate relationship with a lot of fans, but you have to appreciate Matt and Trey trying to innovate the series 20 years later, when it was admittedly on a bit of a downward spiral, though not as drastically as most long-running shows. Season 19 feels like the two at their best, and hopefully season 20 follows suit. Otaku Dome gives South Park The Complete Nineteenth Season an 84 out of 100.
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