Ubisoft has released new details for Fractured But Whole:
Season Pass owners will be able to enjoy three DLCs:
- “Danger Deck”, where players will have to face the ultimate combat challenge in Doctor Timothy’s Danger Deck . They will be able to unlock exclusive costumes and artifacts. “Danger Deck” will be available for $5.99 on December 2017.
- “From Dusk till Casa Bonita”, a new story where players will team up with The Coon and Mysterion to defeat a demonic presence at Casa Bonita. This content will be available for $11.99 in 2018.
- “Bring the Crunch”, which will introduce a new story, including an all new superhero class. It will be available for $11.99 in 2018.
In addition, the Season Pass will also include free Day One content:
- “Relics of Zaron” (costume and perks pack), available for $4.99 on October 17th
- “Towelie: Your Gaming Bud” (in game buddy giving tips), available for $1.99 on October 24th
The Season Pass will be available on October 17th for Xbox One, PlayStation® 4 computer entertainment system and Windows PC at a price of $29.99.The Season Pass is also part of the Gold Edition, already available for pre-order at southpark.ubisoft.com/game/en-us/buy/index.aspx\