The latest entry into the Total War franchise focuses on Attila the Hun. One of the most brutally sadistic figures in human history. Opting to take place for before Attila becomes in possession of his title of power, the new game gives players brand new options to unleash their best strategies to vanquish foes.
Total War: Attila is an 2015 RTS, it is developed by The Creative Assembly and published by Sega. It is available exclusively on PC.
Total War has been on top of the RTS genre since the early 2000s, with each standalone release and expansion The Creative Assembly looked to push the boundaries of the franchise, while Attila doesn’t really do much in terms of sheer amazement, the fun factor and great direction of the series remains.
THE GOOD: Whether your an RTS fan or not, it’s always fun seeing such a large number of characters battle it out to the death in games such as Total War: Attila. As dozens of soldiers cover the screen forcing you to zoom out in the progress, the consistent action and sounds going on never distracts as you look for multiple ways to conquer your opponents. The sound, music, and gameplay is the fun Total War experience we’ve come to know and love. The story is also another fun factor of Total War: Attila.
THE BAD: Total War: Attila is a damn fine RTS and a good game overall, but it still feels like it’s missing something that could make it special.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Total War: Attila is one of the best RTS available from the recent releases. The Attila story was a fantastic use of the Total War mechanics, and it’s still a blast seeing dozens of tiny men fight to the death on-screen. However, you can’t help but notice that Total War: Attila is missing something that could make it great.
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