I had been looking at shadowrun giving it passing glances but never really delving into it until it was closer to release, Great chocie by me of course as always and I say that with no sarcasm this time, Review down below.
Something I personally have never thought of, Bringing fantasy aspects such as Orcs and all of our favorite non existant creatures to life in A danger filled future world. Elvish computer hacker, Orc warror (( Bet you didn’t see that coming))and a Troll who drives around a little RC machine of death, Filling humans and even the undead full of lead. What’s not to love? Aside from the fact that all of the races are just mutated from humans, each race has their own little.. taste to the table. You get to create your own character, A down on your luck shadowrunner. Basically a mercenary who get’s stuff done in a dangerous world, for ALOT of money. The game starts off with your character in a dilapadated apartment, No money to speak of since your last job. After checking a few things out you finally reach your answering machine, Seeing an old friend has called he gives you the the plot that you follow through the whole game. It’s actually really well done and probably one of the top stories in a game i have enjoyed in quite some time.
Within the story your character actually gets a few choices, Depending on you various skills you can either sweettalk, Hack or intimindate people who stand in your way. Or be a punk and grudgingly do the task, But being an awesome troll with a shotgun, Intimindation seemed to fit my character the best. The choices though I admit never really made the story much different, It was nice to get some extra things. In the long haul though you can go through the game without doing any of the alternative speech dialogue and it really doesn’t make you lose any sleep because of it. *Shakes fist at Mass Effect 3 and my 50,000 playthroughs*.
I thoroughly enjoyed this game from start to finish, A few parts were a bit slow but immediately picked up once thrust into a battle though. Good game, Worth a playthrough or two if you wanna try another character. Ah well you know, they all can’t be 1st place winners, But hey, Second place isn’t to damn bad itself.
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