For being in beta I found King Arthur’s Gold to be an exciting well polished experience, so early in it’s stages this game offered hours of gameplay and well driven fun, and the constant updates this game is receiving only makes it that much better.
King Arthur’s Gold combines elements from other titles that I really enjoyed, building castles and annihilating other castles and structures, supplying your military, the side-scrolling action was brilliant along side the multiplayer team-based combat, it’s near impossible to list the possibilities that comes with this game.
The game consists of three classes, warrior, archer, and builder, builder being my favorite by far, and archer second runner up. I found myself spending 90% of the game building bridges and traps, castles and workshops, trying to help our armies cause, while simultaneously engaging in heated ranged battles with other archers and warriors at our doorstep, arrows clashing, head-shots galore, I felt a natural with the bow.
It’s really hard to say where this game will go in the future, and this is being said in a good manner, it’s constant noticeable updates keep escalating the experience, no telling what will be added next, I simply must say the developers did an awesome job, can’t wait to see what holds in store for it.
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