Citadels came out a few week’s ago and being the Avid RTS fan that I am I had to give it a try, This is a game that was well done.. Just not done right, When I first downloaded it I noticed a few bug’s right away. The laggy interface, My computer doesn’t come into play here considering it is more than strong enough to run this. The mouse when you clicked seemed like it took a few moments before it would actually even interact with the game itself. Another thing that ruined the game for me was all the constant crashes.. They seemed to come out of nowhere and honestly? It was a game breaker for me. I couldn’t even play the game in full screen without the damn pointer simply being gone! Forcing me to play in windowed mode which if you play a lot of RTS games you know just how annoying and frustrating that is. The game could have been great, Maybe they’ll fix some of the problems in some patches, Maybe they will learn from their mistakes. I hope so they seemed to be onto something here.
The good: The Graphics were pretty well done. Pretty animations, Pretty buildings and units, Great base building. The feel of the game when it wasn’t blowing up on me, was pretty good considering the setting of the game.
The bad: A little bit of a learning curve, Nothing to horrible really Figure out what units do what how to use your peasants in the building of an army or just your main buildings.
The ugly: Interface was screwed up, Mouse pointer didn’t show up in full screen, Crashed alot, Basically unplayable at times.
The verdict is at least for me.. Could be great if it was polished up a bit and fixed in a patch release, We’ll see and i’ll be back to tell you guys all about it as information is released.
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