Double Fine has its next epic in the form of Broken Age, with fantastic visuals, great designs, and an epic voice cast, Broken Age could be in demand for Tim Schafer fans and overall gamers for quite some time.
Broken Age is a 2014 point and click adventure game. It is developed and published by Double Fine Prouctions. It’s available on PC, IOS, and Android.
Double Fine’s successfully funded Kick Stater game Broken Age is a beautiful return of the adventure genre. Tim Schafer’s connection to high profile talent to the point where he can get them attached to his projects is a feat that has always amazed me. From Jack Black to Elijah Wood, Schafer has the uncanny ability to get some of the most amazing voice work I’ve ever seen in gaming. Broken Age is no exception to this, the aforementioned Wood & Black (whom has become a bit of a Double Fine main stay as of late, in Black’s case) both play prominent roles in Act 1 of this new adventure epic.
THE GOOD: The beautifully animated Broke Age let’s you start off with whichever main protagonist you’d like between the characters Vella Tartine & Shay Volta. The unique thing about the character switch however, is that it’s seamless. Meaning you can switch between both stories at any time you so choose. Broken Age is all about visuals and movement. You chose what Vella & Shay do and where they go. All while watching the actions you’ve chose unfold.
THE BAD: Sometimes the direction you’re supposed to go isn’t always as clear as you’d like. It gets a bit confusing trying to figure out how o advance certain parts of both Shay and Vella’s stories, which was a bit frustrating.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Broken Age is an excellently crafted adventure game, great music,, fantastic scenery, and an even more appealing story. The telling of two different characters’ worlds in sort of a simultaneous way was an excellent way to give players their own pace for completion. Though sometimes it was a bit difficult to tell what you needed to do and where you needed to go. However the overall core and excellent voice work makes up for any flaws noticed in Broken Age
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