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Otaku Dome reviews its titles as it sees fit, scoring is based on personal opinion regardless of how the product was received. Meaning opinions are not changed or altered whether or not product was received from the publisher or purchased by the editor of the review without affecting publisher relationships, thank you for understanding. Moving forward Otaku Dome will mention when review copies of product have been received by their respectful owners.
Review Score Definitions:
100-90: Amazing- This game is nearly perfect or is a perfect representation of it’s contents and respective genre
89-80: Splendid-The game is going in the right direction to be legendary, but not quite there
79-70: Needs Minor Improvement: The game is a solid first time, with a lot of promise for a second try
69-60: Fair Attempt: The game is ok, may be worth a pick up at a lowered price
59-50: Needs Vast Improvement: It’s either riddled with bugs or not worth your time right now
40-0 Bad: The game ranges from bad to plain old awful at different degrees.
Scores for entertainment such as anime, manga, etc are of a similar nature.