In some rather intriguing news, it appears as though Cartoon Network is planning to launch a sequel series to the cult hit Codename: Kids Next Door, originally premiering in 2002 as one of the many popular Cartoon Cartoons series, Codename: Kids Next Door, followed a group of five kids who were apart of an CIA like organization that fought the evils of adulthood. The series ended in 2007 with a TV movie finale that confirmed the existence of the Galactic: Kids Next Door, which had long been rumored to exist throughout the course of the series’ run.
Nigel Uno, one of the KND leaders was to be recruited as a member, however in the ending scene he is shown returning to Earth (perhaps to say goodbye to his friends and family). The news comes from a trailer which shows early storyboard work for what appears to be the pilot episode, and if the trailer is anything to go by, Galactic: Kids Next Door (while apparently being apart of the Cartoon Network schedule), will have a much darker tone, as Nigel Uno is given the overall authority over the order to destroy Earth in an effort to eradicate adults (with adulthood having been deemed a disease).
Some folks across the web have decrypted some info from series’ creator Tom Warburton’s blog were the information on the possible sequel originally appeared. The info apparently points to the date 3/31/15 for a possible reveal. While the date has man wary due to the closeness to April Fools, more evidence of the sequel being legit has come out. Such as Cree Summers; voice actress for Number 5 actively retweeting tweets about the new show, as well as a picture which shows the principal cast in what looks to be a recording session doing the poses of their respective characters featured in the series logo. What’s more, if you go to the just launch (a brand featured in KND consistently), and click on the monkey’s nose, the website suddenly changes into an search bar of sorts.
While the search bar only responds mostly to terms related specifically to Kids Next Door, if you search “Cartoon Network”, the phrase “needs G:KND” pops up as a response, further confirming the show’s possible greenlight. With the recently announced Powerpuff Girls reboot, it’s not surprising to see Cartoon Network being more open to shows returning, the network has always left the door open for a popular/semi-popular series to return in some form down the line, such as Samurai Jack returning in the form of a comic book continuation. No one knows if Galatic: Kids Next Door is legit or sadly an elaborate April Fools joke, but in the mean time, you can check out the storyboard trailer for the proposed sequel below: