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The hybrid warfare is an unstructured form of war, used by States, Hybrid warfare definition • New technologies have changed the dynamics of warfare ... • NATO acknowledges the threat posed by hybrid warfare • The Energy Security Section is now “Hybrid Threats and Energy Security” • The dependence of NATO’s military activities on the It is understandable, even commendable, that analysts endeavour to grasp and conceptualize contemporary warfare. The latter effort will receive a boost when the new counterhybrid support teams on which members agreed in July 2018 fully come into effect. 17 However, it is not the term used by nato ’s Supreme Headquarters in its 2010 Capstone Concept on the subject. This LibGuide offers a set of high-quality sources of information to assist you with your research on hybrid warfare, in particular in the NATO context. They are international research centres that are nationally or multi-nationally funded and staffed. In early 2016, the European Union adopted its Joint Framework for Addressing Hybrid Threats. As part of their increasingly closer cooperation, NATO and the EU have stepped up their cooperation on dealing with hybrid threats, with a special focus on countering cyber attacks. "(5) Both of these definitions align with Frank Hoffman's vision of hybrid warfare, which is also the most predominantly accepted military Hybrid tactics, which include cyber-attacks, disinformation and economic interference, are increasingly used against NATO and EU member countries. If deterrence should fail, NATO stands ready to defend any Ally against any threat. In 2015, during the Meetings of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs, a new strategy on hybrid warfare was approved (. In addition, Centres of Excellence work alongside and contribute knowledge and expertise to the Alliance. Amicus Curiae There is no fixed definition of hybrid warfare, but it includes elements of cyber and information warfare, economic and political manipulation, and kinetic military action. The recent Russian intervention in Ukraine has generated much debate about the use and effectiveness of hybrid warfare, a type of warfare widely understood to blend conventional/unconventional, regular/irregular, and information and cyber warfare. This will enable NATO planners to strengthen the doctrinal basis of their counter-terrorism response in hybrid war situations. NATO Secretary General's Annual Report 2019 NATO (19 March 2020) See page 29. Cooperation with partners is essential. Hybrid warfare often exists in … The hybrid warfare is an unstructured form of war, used by States, The NATO alliance faces not only a conventional threat from Russia, but also one that is more insidious in nature—hybrid warfare. D. EFINITION. 88. There is no official definition of hybrid warfare by NATO; however, it has defined hybrid warfare in its public pronouncements as warfare . Both documents call for working to … The definition encompasses the key elements of hybrid warfare: conventional and non-conventional, blurring of domains and involving elements previously allocated to the unlawful domain. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. “Hybrid warfare”, the latest term of this kind to gain a place in the official documents of the EU and NATO, carries the risk of becoming another buzzword as critiques of the concept have begun to increase. NATO's stance on hybrid threats was outlined in the Brussels Summit declaration (NATO, 2018e). Training, exercises and education also play a significant role in preparing to counter hybrid threats. In early 2016, the European Union adopted its Joint Framework for Addressing Hybrid Threats. Other Centres of Excellence contribute to NATO’s efforts to counter hybrid threats, including the Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence in Riga, Latvia; the Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence in Tallinn, Estonia; and the Energy Security Centre of Excellence in Vilnius, Lithuania. Indeed, while this type of conflict has only been publically labelled in the last decade, the roots can be found… This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Given the recent growth in non-conventional warfare, it seems an appropriate point to examine this apparently recent phenomena. There is a high probability that he will intervene in the Baltics to test NATO's Article 5, putin knows that if he crosses the red line and attacks a Nato ally, he will be defeated. NATO also serves as a hub for expertise, providing support to Allies in areas such as civil preparedness and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) incident response; critical infrastructure protection; strategic communications; protection of civilians; cyber defence; energy security; and counter-terrorism. Developing a working definition of ‘hybrid warfare’ and categorising its key constituent activities (including terrorism). NATO to define plan to counter Russia’s hybrid warfare tactics. A quick decision from member states is difficult to reach. b. Clarifying the extent to which recent and on-going episodes of hybrid warfare are a Thus, the purpose of this article is to contribute to the understanding the hybrid warfare by developing a perceptional map, which will, if possible, pave the way to new theories by creating taxonomy as a result of Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis. “One of the things about hybrid war is defining it. Axel Hagelstam of the Finnish Mission to NATO and Kirsti Narinen of the Centre explain. It discusses whether this new NATO will be able to deter Russia from resorting to hybrid warfare against a NATO ally. Hybrid Threats, cyber warfare and NATO’s comprehensive approach for countering 21st century threats: mapping the new frontier of global risk and security management. NATO welcomes opening of European Centre for Countering Hybrid Threats, Press statements by the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, Keynote address by NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller at the German Marshall Fund - Microsoft event on Countering Hybrid Threats, Part 1/2, Questions and answers following the keynote address by NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller at the German Marshall Fund - Microsoft event on Countering Hybrid Threats, Part 2/2, Enlarging NATO’s toolbox to counter hybrid threats, Energy security in the era of hybrid warfare, Adapting NATO intelligence in support of “One NATO”. challenges, resources security, retrenchment from NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT), globalization and the proliferation of weapons of mass supported by the US Joint Forces Command Joint Irregular destruction were identified by NATO as so called “hybrid Warfare Centre (USJFCOM JIWC) and the US National threats” (cf NATO’s Bi-Strategic Command Capstone Defence University (NDU), … NATO Countering the Hybrid Threat. a rather new threat definition and its (temporary) inclusion in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) new comprehensive defence approach with a reflection on the last Swedish experiment. The primary responsibility to respond to hybrid threats or attacks rests with the targeted nation. (Eds.) European military analysts, prompted by Russia’s behavior, have also embraced the hybrid phenomenon as a feature of contemporary conflict. This LibGuide offers a set of high-quality sources of information to assist you with your research on hybrid warfare, in particular in the NATO context. Issues at Stake. Key Characteristics of Russian Hybrid Warfare Russian hybrid warfare has at least three main characteristics. The Alliance has developed a strategy on its role in countering hybrid warfare to help address these threats. NATO has a strategy on its role in countering hybrid warfare and stands ready to defend the Alliance and all Allies against any threat, whether conventional or hybrid. the NATO Capstone Concept characterizes hybrid threats as "those posed by adversar-ies, with the ability to simultaneously employ conventional and non-conventional means adaptively in pursuit of their objectives. However, hybrid warfare as a term itself is a poor descriptor. To deter hybrid threats, NATO is resolved to act promptly, whenever and wherever necessary. Linear conflicts are defined by a sequential progression of a planned strategy by opposing … 20200 Amicus 88 Winter text.qxd:Text 11/1/12 12:56 Page 14 Hybrid threats, cyber warfare and NATO’s comprehensive approach for countering 21st century threats – mapping the new frontier of global risk and security management by Sascha-Dominik Bachmann INTRODUCTION for The Military Contribution to Countering Hybrid The end of the so-called “Cold War” has seen a change Threats (MCCHT)). 72), Energy security in the era of hybrid warfare, Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), NATO Public Diplomacy Division’s Co-Sponsorship Grants. Hybrid war is therefore hybrid because its tactics are Janus-faced, showing conventional aggression to one foe and canny asymmetry to another. Rapid developments in cyber warfare have driven the evolution of asymmetric (now hybrid) warfare and contribute to its non-attribution or relative anonymity for its perpetrators. This sends a strong signal that the Alliance is improving both its political and military responsiveness and its ability to deploy appropriate forces to the right place at the right time. None is more relevant than the hybrid war for hearts and minds that NATO’s adversaries are waging through political interference and disinformation. Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller welcomed European Commissioner for the Security Union Sir Julian King to NATO on Thursday (14 March 2019), for talks on how NATO and the EU can work more closely together to counter hybrid warfare. They aim to destabilise and undermine societies. Although hybrid warfare is a Western term, not Russian, all sorts of hostile Russian activities — from the covert use of special forces to election manipulation and economic coercion — have been labeled hybrid and caused growing alarm in Western security establishments. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. © REUTERS This paper will study Russian hybrid warfare activities and the prepared-ness of an Alliance shaped by the RAP and the New Strategy on Hybrid Warfare. Search for documents on Hybrid Warfare on the NATO website. This includes exercising of decision–making processes and joint military and non-military responses in cooperation with other actors. Hybrid Threats, Cyber Warfare and NATO’s Comprehensive Approach for Countering 21st Century Threats – Mapping the New Frontier of Global Risk and Security Management. Hybrid warfare definition • New technologies have changed the dynamics of warfare • Blending the edges of peace and war • Altering mitigation and effective response efforts • The inclusion of modern information communication technologies (ICT) creates a threat to large segments of society ‘Hybrid warfare’, sometimes known as ‘hybrid threats’, became a trendy buzzword in recent years, used to describe a panoply of seemingly different threats. Let us be quite clear about that. Hybrid warfare is a military strategy which employs political warfare and blends conventional warfare, irregular warfare and cyberwarfare with other influencing methods 4, p. 111-124. The terms hybrid warfare, new generation warfare and grey zone are often used interchangeably to describe the Russian operational approach towards the post-Soviet states or former Soviet republics. Roger McDermott called hybrid warfare a myth,5 while Michael Koffman and Mathew Rojansky stated that hybrid warfare cannot replace the perception of traditional warfare and might only explain the dissemination of AARONSON, M. et al (2011). Hybrid methods of warfare, such as propaganda, deception, sabotage and other non-military tactics have long been used to destabilise adversaries. NATO is a military alliance that will never embrace the full spectrum of challenges embodied in hybrid warfare. The definition encompasses the key elements of hybrid warfare: conventional and non-conventional, blurring of domains and involving elements previously allocated to the unlawful domain. A quick decision from member states is difficult to reach. Both documents call for working to … The current NATO deterrence policy for hybrid warfare is based on a rapid military response. B. NATO’ S . NATO is also engaging with partners in the Asia-Pacific region to exchange experience on national approaches to countering hybrid threats, such as increased incidence of disinformation and cyber attacks. It is an amorphous definition for … How do I access the full text of journal articles ? BACHMANN, SDOV (2012). In response to the conflict in Ukraine, NATO has decided to take on an ambitious task: developing a set of tools to deter and defend against adversaries waging hybrid warfare. AMICUS CURIAE, vol. Hybrid methods are used to blur the lines between war and peace, and attempt to sow doubt in the minds of target populations. 12. The Alliance supports Allies’ efforts to identify national vulnerabilities and strengthen their own resilience, if requested. As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates, hybrid conflicts involve multilayered efforts designed to destabilise a functioning state and polarize its society. Hybrid CoE is an independent, network-based international organisation countering hybrid threats. The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats located in Helsinki, Finland serves as a hub of expertise, assisting participating countries in improving their civil-military capabilities, resilience and preparedness to counter hybrid threats. Hybrid warfare — also known as grey zone conflict or low-intensity conflict — is a reality, and the U.S. military must be ready to confront and deter it, a senior intelligence officer said. Energy security has been a key strategic factor in military thinking since the start of the 20th century. 2. U.S. Military Planners Must Emphasize Non-Linear Thinking in Conflict Modeling. National Security Advisers meet at NATO Headquarters, NATO Deputy Secretary General to speak on Countering Hybrid Threats, Secretary General participates in Hybrid Centre of Excellence inauguration with Finnish leaders and EU High Representative, Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Inauguration of the Helsinki Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. It was inaugurated in October 2017 by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, together with European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini. An analyst looks at code in the malware lab of a cyber security defense lab. confrontation with Western states. The Alliance continues to strengthen its cooperation and coordination with such partners as Finland, Sweden, Ukraine and the European Union (EU) to counter hybrid threats and enhance resilience. The hybrid analysis branch provides decision-makers with improved awareness on possible hybrid threats. Hybrid warfare has become a term for modern warfare or for the next war. This definition adequately represents what the Russians (and their Chechen mercenaries and Ossetian militias) did in Georgia in 2008, and it dovetails quite well with how the Russians are fighting in Ukraine. The speed, scale and intensity of hybrid threats have increased in recent years. NATO’s efforts to address hybrid threats have been conducted at two levels: defining strategy at the supranational level and assisting the target countries at the national level. Inauguration of Hybrid CoE with NATO Secretary General and EUHR Mogherini - Q&A, NATO Secretary General press point at inauguration of Hybrid CoE, Inauguration of the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, NATO Deputy Secretary General on countering hybrid threats, 15 FEB 2018, 1/2, Statement on the implementation of the Joint Declaration signed by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2018 Brussels Summit Declaration (para. The first definition of hybrid warfare is given by Hoffman. This committee is defining it as the use of asymmetrical tactics to probe for and exploit domestic ... C. HYBRID WARFARE VERSUS NATO’S STRUCTURE 14. The Centre is an initiative of the Government of Finland, supported by 27 other nations, as well as NATO and the EU. Nonlinear Warfare. Secondly, it discusses the use of ‘cyber’ in the context of ‘hybrid threats’ before it, thirdly, addresses some implications for This definition adequately represents what the Russians (and their Chechen mercenaries and Ossetian militias) did in Georgia in 2008, and it dovetails quite well with how the Russians are fighting in Ukraine. What is it?” he added. As an actor in international security, NATO has a unique role to play in the nexus between energy security and hybrid warfare. 2 nato ’s Approach to Hybrid Warfare. In 2014, nato used the term ‘Hybrid warfare’ to describe Russian actions during the illegal occupation of Crimea and its subsequent military activities in Eastern Ukraine. However the latter has three main limits. Countering hybrid threats is a priority for EU-NATO cooperation and the new European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats in Helsinki plays a unique role. the 2010 NATO Lisbon Summit note the ‘hybrid variations’ of threats (NATO 2020, 2010: 15). Hybrid Threats, cyber warfare and NATO’s comprehensive approach for countering 21st century threats: mapping the new frontier of global risk and security management. It economizes the use of force. This research paper will explore the concept hybrid warfare, identify the political and military limitations NATO has faced as a result of hybrid warfare in Ukraine, evaluate NATO’s efforts to date to adapt, and provide recommendations for NATO and Canada in adapting to this form of aggression. Deterring hybrid warfare: a chance for NATO and the EU to work together? To this end, NATO forces have to be able to react in a quick and agile way, whenever and wherever needed. 3 Part of the conceptual confusion stems from the fact that there is no standard, commonly-accepted definition of hybrid warfare. But what happens when it is attacked by a mixture of special forces, information campaigns and backdoor proxies? North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 64 However the NATO interpretation of hybrid warfare is much broader, depicting it as a mixture of military means with non-military tools including propaganda and cyber activity. NATO and EU discuss defence against hybrid warfare. NATO and EU efforts to address hybrid warfare, while promising, are unlikely to succeed since they are neither broad enough in scope nor sufficiently integrated. 2, no. As we shall soon discover, Hybrid Warfare (HW) has much older origins than would first be assumed. The current NATO deterrence policy for hybrid warfare is based on a rapid military response. The primary characteristic of this milieu is the dominance of the U.S. and her allies, especially the NATO alliance. [4 A research paper produced by the NDC a month earlier produced a three-dimensional definition of hybrid war It will deter hybrid attacks on the Alliance and, if necessary, will defend Allies concerned. The Joint Intelligence and Security Division at NATO Headquarters improves the Alliance’s understanding and analysis of hybrid threats. While neither the European Union (EU) nor the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO) appear to have a clear definition of this term, both organisations are taking steps to ‘counter Mattis, James N., and Frank G. Hoffman. PRISM, vol. Hybrid warfare occupies the uncomfortable middle ground between conventional and unconventional warfare, mixing elements of both in the process. NATO is strengthening its coordination with partners, including the European Union, in efforts to counter hybrid threats. The term “hybrid warfare” describes a strategy that employs conventional military force supported by irregular and cyber warfare tactics. Hybrid warfare is employed in a tailored way to sow chaos in target countries. Action Plan (RAP) and endorsed the New Strategy on Hybrid Warfare. 21), 2016 Warsaw Summit Declaration (para. NATO Defense College (NDC) conference report from May 2015 defined hybrid warfare in quite procedural terms as the denial of - and defection from – standard norms and principles of international relations in pursuit of narrow interests. While there is still no unanimously agreed-upon definition of ‘Hybrid Warfare’, the MC considered using the terminology shown in Figure 1. While not a new phenomenon, hybrid warfare has been widely mentioned in international discourse since at least 2014. This strategy is called a hybrid war, he said, and NATO is coming to grips with the concept. ‘Hybrid warfare’, sometimes known as ‘hybrid threats’, became a trendy buzzword in recent years, used to describe a panoply of seemingly different threats. Amicus Curiae “Future Warfare: The Rise of Hybrid Wars.” NATO has a strategy on its role in countering hybrid warfare and stands ready to defend the Alliance and all Allies against any threat, whether conventional or hybrid. Viewed from this perspective, hybrid warfare is … News, Official Texts, Opinions) Defending against Hybrid Threats. In July 2018, NATO leaders agreed to set up counter-hybrid support teams, which provide tailored targeted assistance to Allies upon their request, in preparing against and responding to hybrid activities. NATO can’t counter hybrid threats alone. . 23 If properly used, these terms should provide consistency and help prevent misunderstanding. The Alliance actively counters propaganda – not with more propaganda, but with facts – online, on air and in print. The first definition of hybrid warfare is given by Hoffman. It is population-centric. Hoffman did the defining work of identifying hybrid warfare as unique from pure insurgency and conventional conflict while working for the Marine Corps Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities fifteen years ago, and he should probably have a say in coming up with a final doctrinal definition. 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