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I just find it interesting, that some people need an answer, even to a question that may not have a clear one. Be well. Unless you’ve seen Eartha in person and close up, you don’t know what her actual complexion was. I have friends who are 1/2 white and 1/2 Guamese. Such a awful question. Given away by her mother, she arrived in Harlem at age nine. Love never dies and that’s all that is important. We as Blacks are quick to use color as a beauty standard. I think some parents who have been discriminated against so badly were happy to have white looking children, especially back then, so their children wouldn’t endure what they did. That can cause lasting effects over generations. Strangers didn’t hesitate to adress me and asked if I really have been pregnant with her. You have a lot of your mother’s facial features. Your mom is a legend and I would have loved to have met her. At 15, she quit high school to work in a Brooklyn factory. This person was nasty and instead of blowing him off you were patient and eloquent. I don’t get why people don’t get that! An out-of-wedlock child, Eartha Kitt was born in the cotton fields of South Carolina. There is something crucial that’s missing in the lives of people who spruik hate and division by spreading falsehoods. Adoption is wonderful but Kitt is Eartha’s biological child. I don’t rightly know Kitt I know being an African American young girl I did not see many beautiful interpretations of black woman untill your mother graced my TV screen. I adored Eartha kit, and now that I’ve discovered her daughter, I’m certain I adore her too; especially after having just seen a terrific 8-year-old interview of her via YouTube. So funny that a blonde woman with fair skin has a gorgeous brown-skinned mother and that just drives some people cray ????. Live on for you and your loved ones. What a Beautiful daughter she has!! My granddaughters are Black, White and Indian for want of a better description and I tell them they are of the HUMAN as they are from this planet and while it would be cool to be a Vulcan, they aren’t, none of us are – unless you have proof you are not of this planet. Light skinned people of African decent should not be required to wear a constant t-shirt around life that says “I really am black, I have the DNA to prove it” – but it seems like that is what people like “Truth” want. I married interracially and that is another area where Eartha was a trailblazer. XXKitt. I think “Truth” can benefit from a book called “Shades of Black” by Sandra L Pinkney. You can’t create dialogue if everyone just agrees with you. I also don’t know why Eartha felt she was Light-SKIN..she was brown and didn’t resemble anyone biracial. Beautiful story. I don’t usually respond to negative comments, but I am compelled to do so here because I feel there is an opportunity for dialogue on a subject that many struggle. Eventually my skin color darkened some, I don’t look mixed race, but from what I have heard from other black people all my life, I am the epitome of the phrase “High Yella”, lol. Eines Tages las Eartha Kitt auf Plakaten die Ankündigung eines Katherine-Dunham-Gastspiels, für das noch Tänzerinnen gesucht wurden. Unfortunately we do reside in a society of people that are Hateful and Mean spirited, your mother was truly a wise woman. When I’m out with my daughter we get stared at, when I’m out with my son nobody notices us. Eartha couldn’t have children! She would ask, “Why was it so important to make a person feel like they weren’t wanted by anybody if they didn’t fit ‘required specifications’?”  “Why couldn’t an entertainer just BE who they were?” “Why wasn’t it enough to be a member of the human race?”. To Kitt.. have you tried to contact any family in North, SC. Their race is Human, their nationality is American and their being is unique to them. That was what she felt was the beauty of ‘Freedom’. Your childhood pics are of a little WHITE girl..not a biracial girl. Not what rottened folks and folks with low IQs say in regards human beings. You so obviously look like your mom. And, I feel, it is that need to ‘fit another person’s idea of what one should be’, that creates conflicts in all aspects of our world. She was quite rightly not happy with HSBC management and told me she wanted to meet our Chairman ! You have inherited your mother’s eyes, compassionate spirit and radiate her boundless love. It definitely makes for some interesting conversations when we all go out to eat in public and we get looks of folks trying to figure out how we’re all connected. She was a legend. And beautiful just as you are. I think my mother got a kick out of having a child who, at first glance, didn’t have any resemblance to her. She was an amazing woman. I’ve even had people accuse me of not being a biological mother to my daughter because her eyes are blue and “black” people don’t carry the genes for blue eyes. Kitt thanks for sharing your story. Kitt, I am a fan of yours as well as of your mother for many, many years! No one should ever be put in a position to justify their looks. Kitt's mother was a sharecropper of African-American and Cherokee Native American descent. What a truly wonderful love you had and as a daughter who loves her mom so very much, I appreciate the bond you shared. No one should ever question whether someone should look different, but Americans are nosy as hell. Kitt looks like her mom but her father’s genetics are strong too and who has the right to tell her different. This is not to take away from those who choose to call themselves whatever they choose. She would say to me, “You are like a walking United Nations. View the show called “Jesse and Angela Love Show” on YouTube ,Free. I always thought she was of a class that I would want to always surround me…the intelligence, the wit, the unabashed candor for telling the simple truth….and definitely a gift for story-telling events. Males have the stronger gene normally. I can only imagine some of the wisdom she imparted on you. I remember as a child I would hide my eye’s by wearing sunglasses so people would stare because my eyes are reddish brown and my hair is the same color and w/ dark brown skin. She must have been a lot of fun!! Eartha Kitt’s Santa Baby in today’s dollars. There’s absolutely no way anyone can believe that these pics of a white child, actually came from..[biologically] from Eartha Kitt. Blessings to you and your family. They literally are the world. Assuming that is just plain ignorant. It was mentioned by the local who gave us a tour. I’m sorry but you have your mothers eyes and her chin I’m married to a black man for almost 40 years both my grandchi8haveblack fathers and both the fathers are lighter skinned my grandson is darker than both his parents and my granddaughter is is lighter than I am we cannot control the DNA we receive from our parents but it is completely disrespectful to Ms Eartha Kitt to say her daughter was adopted when clearly she was not and the strong and outspoken woman she was the world would have known so to “truth” stop hating. I am such a fan of your Mom’s and love singing her songs. It is a dialogue that needs to be had. What a delicious comment. I was asked frequently if my daughter was my “real” child, as people assumed I must have adopted her. I grew up listening to your mom and she is one of my heros. It’s one of the biggest lies ever told! I’m far from an expert, and really, who cares. Kitt, you look like a white, blue eyed, blonde haired version of your mom. Eartha had a daughter with her former husband, businessperson John William McDonald. Outside My Comfort Zone Again. she is not a yella Bone – her make up yes but she wasn’t yella she a brown skin. Shapiro, who now lives in Connecticut, said: “In 1927, to be a light- skinned black person in the South was just … I had a friend giggle and say Creator made it that way so men couldn’t deny their children. You are so Miss Eartha’s child and you DO LOOK LIKE YOUR MOTHER, and another thing you inherited from her is that ‘PURE HEART’ – ‘BLESS YOUR HEART’. I wish I could count the many remarks that my four sons don’t look alike. You are a big girl now. I also don’t know why Eartha felt she was Light-SKIN..she was brown and didn’t resemble anyone biracial. Thanks again for sharing. I am finding American history books filled with of packs of lies. He took him from her off the reservation so he never knew who she was but he did knowwhere he came from. We need to check ourselves before we get caught up in colorism. I have done a DNA test because I have always known that I had Spanish blood in me, and my DNA test proved it. Looking at her childhood pictures, it looks like Kitt tans easily and her hair appeared to … I hope people can care about life no matter if the person is Human or an animal, once that happens there will be no more racism of any kind. Your mom has a special glow in this picture. You look a lot like your mother to me, both beautiful. Nonetheless, don’t worry about it. All the kids are different complexion 1 aunt is light, my Mom is brown, 1 Aunt is dark. I am huge fan of your mothers and watched many of her interviews. They say “the human race,” idiot. I think you and your mom are beautiful. What a lovely post! Looking at her childhood pictures, it looks like Kitt tans easily and her hair appeared to have a coarser texture. He clearly looks like one who is mixed with Sub Saharan African. My brother (same parents) had black hair where I have brown and olive skin where mine was, well, less olive (?). As an artist of color, record labels wanted her to be ‘Jazz. It is a known and accepted fact. I believe most African-Americans have European parentage somewhere in their heritage and they dishonor their mixed race ancestors, no matter how many generations ago, by denying their existence. And Christmas is not Christmas without hearing Ms. Kitt’s version of Santa baby. Mariah Carey is biracial and looks white so it happens. Categorising people is so tiresome and boring. Truth couldn’t see past her own “racial identifiers” to actually see YOU. Who cares about skin tones? Jul 8, 2013 - Celebrity pictures and photos from the world's first and only micro stock celebrity photo agency. Your mother did a magnificent job of raising her beloved child. Find More Answers. Up next in 8. Kitt speaks six languages, has written three autobiographies, including "I'm Still Here," 1990 and has been nominated for two Tony's, an Emmy and two Grammy's. My mother got the biggest kick out of me not fitting the mold,“Here’s to not fitting the mold!”☺️. I highly recommend reading this story and maybe we can all be wishful thinkers together. Kitt began her career in 1942 and appeared in the 1945 original … A real Grande Dame! Interracial children can come out all colors, hair and skin, or with curly hair or straight. Sometimes that judgement extended to ourselves. Some people are just so ignorant about these things. She described her mother as a sponge to Welles, drawn to his intensity and knowledge. When I look at this misguided comment that is at the center of this article, it just makes me wonder at just how far we have come. “truth” is so very wrong. Celebrate the unique, its what makes us wonderfully cray and beautiful as a country and as people. Unfortunately, the relationship didn't last. No one ever believed her father was Japanese. Eartha Kitt was an actress, singer, and cabaret star whose mother was African American and Cherokee, and whose father was a White-American. Heidi Klume is about as white as anyone can get and her mixed children look MIXED and LOOK LIKE HER. Heidi Klume is about as white as anyone can get and her mixed children look MIXED and LOOK LIKE HER. It is interesting that our non-profit is having a fundraiser on March 17th, 2018 traveling to Augusta to celebrate the late James Brown’s legacy. I’ve know many, many children who were 1/2 or 1/4 black. It’s an insult to suggest that Eartha secretly adopted a white child. He was supposedly the son of the man who owned the farm where Eartha was born, but she never met him although adopted his supposed surname of Kitt. My mother’s wisdom continues to inspire me everyday which is why I created Simply Eartha ‘accessories that SAY something’. At the end of the day, who cares anymore?! I LOVED it when she came on stage and kicked that leg up in the air.???? I was struck by your features. My WWI/WWII US Army veteran James Oliver Williams was not classified after his death. If you knew anything, you’d know right away Eartha Kitt looks distinctively Native American, in every way as much as African by her features, as much as her features also belie her European roots. Some looked white. Your mom was beautiful. Today it really doesn’t matter but for generations it did and was hidden by family genealogist. I’ve seen countless black women with half white children..and they look HALF white AND even if the child looks more like the white father..there are still traits from the mom. I never thought of Eartha Kitt as a light skinned black woman either. It’s her false eyelashes that throw people off. God Bless, Thank you. Thank you for doing just that. Her mother, Annie Mae Keith, was of Cherokee and African descent and worked in a cotton plantation. I also don’t know why Eartha felt she was Light-SKIN..she was brown and didn’t resemble anyone biracial. I too have been asked that question “What are you ” and I look at people with confusion. You DO look like your mother, just in a different shade. My daughter was born blue-eyed. **THE LADY IS RIGHT!!! I am sooo very glad that I was at the Northwestern Auditorium in Chicago and had the opportunity to see her (you were in the audience) about a year before she died. Sorry! You, my dear handled that idiotic comment beautifully. Kit, I love your post. To me she was just a fabulous star of the first magnitude. Eartha Kitt’s Santa Baby in today’s dollars. I also said it should be a required reading starting from when a child starts to learn to read, although it may not be a bad idea for adults to read before starting any job, but I will add that I have never classified myself as any race, and I am a 55 year old male born and reared in the south living in NYC for 31 years now. Genetics are magical and mysterious, and in a good way! But We Need To Talk. Now, I’m not looking to start a debate about genetics. My upbringing plays a large role in my research. American Actress Eartha Kitt was born Eartha Mae Keith on 17th January, 1927 in Columbia, South Carolina, USA and passed away on 25th Dec 2008 Weston, Connecticut, USA aged 81. She was great fun even though my Dad was being a little too much. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that nonsense. You had a wonderful mom. Yes, you do look like your mother, especially around the eyes and mouth area. We are both kind, gentle, generous , caring and talented. Eartha Kitt is 5' 4". I have only always identified myself as the son of my parents because that was always more than enough for me. She was not one to judge. Your mother was the most adorable, most talented, and most sexiest woman I have ever saw. If Eartha weren’t biracial, then why was her father’s name blacked out? My mother was a beautiful Caucasian woman my father was a very handsome African-American male. Genetics is just a roll of the dice between the two parents. In her new book, Eartha and Kitt: A Daughter's Love Story in Black and White, Kitt Shapiro speaks about the bond she and her mother shared, how … Eartha Kitt was an American singer, actress, comedienne, dancer, and activist known for her highly distinctive singing style and her 1953 recordings of "C'est si bon" and the Christmas novelty song "Santa Baby", both of which reached the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100. Blues’, and she fought that need to be ‘categorized’. I’m not sure she forgave HSBC but on her behalf I’d like to thank you and your family for your kindness. No one but a cruel, heartless, evil , hot mess of a poor excuse for a human being would throw it in a person’s face!!! Eartha Kitt, Daughter, and Grandson during World Premiere of "Hercules" at New Amsterdam Theater in New York City, New York, United States. Thanks for sharing her legacy with us! Skin tone is just a color, I think you definitely look like your mom based on facial features. And < 1/4 Black. And hopefully you will use that famous quote or a version of it’s the title. I am a mixed-race human from my mother’s womb and genetically speaking, I carry equally my father a and mother. I have always been fascinated by your mother’s work and outspokenness.. She had two long, intense relationships, cinema king Arthur Loew Jr. and cosmetic baron Charles Revson. What a blessing you will always have. Unfortunately, my aunt passed away in 2004. Amazed at how relevant this thread continues to be, and that we seem to be regressing in time with our current cultural and political climate. I don’t believe DNA science had been perfected during your mother’s lifetime, as it is today. My father is very light-skinned & off very diverse background so I took more so after him. I received a call about January 17th. And honestly, I think it is pretty cool. I have been at the receiving end of this mean spiritedness intended to hurt and demean. It is oh so tiresome to be subjected to people’s other people’s notions of identifying yourself and justifying whom you see yourself as. EARTHA KITT AND DAUGHTER KITT SHAPIRO.K31137JBU.EARTHA KITT AND PURRFECT WORLD AT THE ''LICENSING INTERNATIONAL 2003 SHOW'' AT THE JACOB JAVITS CENTER, NEW YORK New York .06/11/2003. I remember hearing your mother in an interview stating that she was part Native American as well. She’s a white woman. I have just forwarded the photo and A copy of Santa Baby to many friends on Facebook to remind them of what a sensational entertainer and wonderful person you Mum was. Blues’, and she fought that need to be ‘categorized’. Thank you for being you. She was asked by classmates to describe me, they we’re somehow curious to know what a white woman with a not-so-white daughter might look like…there were hundreds and hundreds of strange situations over the last twenty. And was the woman blind? Eartha was raised by Anna Mae Riley, who she believed that was her mother. I loved you on unsung. I have in fact done my DNA testing and it is EXACTLY what both my parents had always told me. They get tired of people asking them what race are they. Info. Some mixed kids look black and NOTHING ELSE until their white Mom gets on the bus and calls them Tierra or another popular black name of girls or boys. Join me as I share my mother’s legacy of love, kindness and empowerment. As the most popular post on my blog, ‘Why Don’t You Look More Like Your Mother?’, continues to receive a lot of attention, one recent comment has brought me back to the subject of race, specifically, mixed race, and the desire of some truly ignorant people to deny the existence of others, because they do not ‘fit’ the stereotype of how ‘mixed race’ people should look. Because of her skin color, she was called a ‘Yella Gal’ as a child in South Carolina, and that was a memory she carried all of her life. Kitt is survived by her daughter, Kitt Shapiro, and four grandchildren. You share much of your lovely mother down to her sweet nature. They are in fact mutts and should be proud of being a mutt and never let any one pigeonhole them into being what society says they must be. She looked a great deal like your mom, and they were both from South Carolina. “Santa Baby” was her most famous song, and … I think the concern is less about how Kitt looks than how she represents herself and her lineage in and to the world. My mother (Pernell Washington Boyd) is related to the Kitt’s in that area or Orangeburg County (Santee, Eutawville, Eloree, and North). I’m also as blunt and controversial a lightning rod as your mom continues to be in her writings and the heck with it. God Bless you and yours. But, I do find it interesting that because (in this instance), I don’t fit the multi-racial look for this person, they feel compelled to deny that I am even who I am. Heidi Klume is about as white as anyone can get and her mixed children look MIXED and LOOK LIKE HER. Eartha Kitt had encounters with Marlon Brando (1962), Sammy Davis Jr. (1954), Porfirio Rubirosa (1954), Jeff Chandler (1953) and Marion Meadows.. About. Daughter you are beautiful like your mom. Your eyes are reddish brown? xox, As someone who lost their her mother as a young child..the pain you must have felt to have someone (who doesn’t know you or your mother) deny your bond makes me so deeply sad. I love the fact that you and your mom are “undefinable.”. AND… in different photos her skin color can look darker or lighter. She spoke four languages and sang in seven, which she effortlessly demonstrated in many of her cabaret performances. She’ll always be an inspiration. Well, as I educated myself, I found factional histories instead of non-factional histories of USA. Would there have been any NEED to? Especially people and art. This is my first time hearing of or actually laying eyes on you as the daughter of Eartha Kitt, as I wondered randomly if she’d had any children. One day I may show them to you. I know too many African Americans that look more African-European than you. You either break every rule or fill every quota, depending on where you are.” My mother despised society’s need to neatly categorize everything. Education is really fundamental. A woman came up to me at a recent event and asked me that very question. But then I remember, I live in the South where this is still normal. So I came here to see if you looked more like your dad and based on this picture you do. Along comes a salesman who can put stars on the ones that have none, and then the original star-bellied. Bless you and your family. As a light skinned African American in the South, in 1927, she was labeled a “Yella Gal”, too light to be accepted by the black community and too dark for the whites. Wonderful post Kitt. Another woman had parents whose mother was a blonde, brown eyed Italian and father was Japanese. Your childhood pics are of a little WHITE girl..not a biracial girl. That being said, I realize that my responses can be interpreted as simplistic or unrealistic. Keep doing what you do and being who you are and it’s fantastic to see that the ‘Idiotic Truth’ couldn’t keep you down. “Truth” was very on-the-nose and a flat out bully about it but most people (if they’re honest with themselves) probably agree with them. I have made it a rule to sign my name to what I write because I have nothing to hide. What a beautiful response to such an ugly comment. All of our prior genetics carry down to who we are and what we look like today. She passed away on December 25, 2008 at the age of 81. I am not sure why no one can figure that out. And we make others happy. These pics show a completely WHITE child who looks absolutely nothing like Eartha Kitt. I have her throwing a great big ball of light to get rid of all the shadows of race and definition and petty xenophobia. Look at Troian Bellisario of Pretty Little Liars, prime example. She was beautiful and so are you. She then had the daughter of the man take a DNA test to verify. She would say to me, “You are like a walking United Nations. Thanks for what you wrote it was beautiful. All one needs to do it to look at you and they’ll see the awesome DNA you’ve inherited, and with a few enhancements, made your own. Potentially throwing your whole sense of self and those who you most love into a whirlwind of insecurity, deception and confusion!!! I guess I never saw her as a fair skinned black woman as that is what the Dorthy Dangridges and Lena Hornes were. Doubtful. Hi Kitt! I love this post. When is you next meet and greet. Deal with it. Thank you for sharing your mother’s beatiful words with everyone….maybe one day they can be everyone’s thoughts as well. Kindly additionally consult with my site =). There are many African Americans who were able to pass for Caucasians back in the day. Would they have done that for a black man in the deep South, in the 20s? This is something my mother struggled with throughout her life. Some of us you can tell, and other’s you can’t. Eartha gave you a special gift and I am glad to see you speak it. I see the very familiar eyes, high cheek bones, and smile of a McDonald. As the story progresses, the groups go in and out of the ‘star on/star off’ machine until no one is sure who is who anymore and realize after they’ve spent all their money trying to acquire a valid reason for being mean, that it was time, energy and money all wasted. I’m not saying it’s a right thought or comment to have but that’s all it is is an opinion of one’s own understanding and expression. Regardless of color of hair or language spoken, we are all human. People should see the beauty in heredity and genetics, plain and simple! Copy link. It’s the story about a group who felt superior to others because they had stars on their bellies. Maybe one-day I can meet you. If I had to categorize my self I am Creole American , so my children can range in color from darkest of brown to the lightest. She married only once, briefly, to realtor Bill McDonald, the father of her one daughter, Kitt Shapiro. God does things his way not yours. Wow. I have embraced being mix. I’m sorry you’ve faced people who’ve questioned and cast doubts on your origin. You to lie to you unapologetic and carefree smile teenager, Kitt Shapiro looks her! Mehr Stock-Fotografie und Bilder Eartha ‘ accessories that say something ’ what we like. Tell me with great pride how i “ …was like a walking United.... Gave us a tour Irish, English, African, German, French, Cherokee and and. Of ignorance, they would understand that their framework does not define life, it be! Knows what else ’ d never seen before i can not accept one another bi-racial. Have attributes of both seen several photos of Eartha Kitt due to her was gracious and probably undeserved we Blacks! Raised by Anna Mae Riley, who looks nothing like either of them nor my sibling loved to my... 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