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View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff She can prevent Riki and Puck from phasing out and stops all types of blink, while disarming the target. pretty garbage hero....i eat her alive with my slark, VEI O CARLOS EdUARDO DA ROCHA MORAIS É MT INUTIL. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff You can Пријава путем Steam-а to see your Dota 2 profile. Gives additional mana regeneration to all friendly units on the map. Even if you die, you are providing an aura that will help your team feel less like they are pulling your weight. +15% Magic Resistance at level 10 is extremely deceptive, and the damage overflow from a last hit of an enemy core on CM is much bigger than anything 15% on a ~1000 HP target can provide. She is a decent lockdown for Storm, Earth and Ember Spirits. All three of these heroes have either high enough health, high enough damage, or the ability to gain health back quickly. I just need urn and force staff on her, then very easy game. sure she is one of the best..... Every single day CM is being flapped to alot of time,I am certain of that. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff Explosions occur every %explosion_interval% seconds. CHANNELED - Surrounds Crystal Maiden with random icy explosions that slow enemies and deal massive damage. Why no Arc Warden buffs in 7.06 Icefrog? Encases an enemy unit in ice, prohibiting movement and attack, while dealing damage over time. And, once again, don’t forget about the aura. But neither is she a lane babysitter, such as Dazzle. Moreover, even after the first couple of rotations to the lane, she should still be farming up the closer neutral camps, otherwise she can quickly become a liability for her team. Grants bonus armor while channeling. It's easy enough to babysit with CM when you're learning. It's fairly unique to CM which makes it an easily forgotten twist to your normal support role. The air temperature around Rylai drops rapidly, chilling all around her to the core. Lion can ruin an offlaner's presence in the lane with mana drain. Teammates see CM: mmm aura Lasts [10] seconds. Crystal MaidenRanged, Disabler, Jungler, Nuker, Support. The new talent tree is good, but not exceptional, while her abilities have been largely left untouched for a very long time. "Crystal Maiden has the coolest cosmetics" <---- Totally agree with this statement. Instead, she should be proactive and unexpectedly appear in the lane to get a kill or strongly harass the enemy, then rotate back to farming. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff - machine-learning-algorithm-supported draft advisor - item and ability build suggestions Почетна ... CHANNELED - Surrounds Crystal Maiden with random icy explosions that slow enemies and deal massive damage. Learn how to counter and when to pick Crystal Maiden from our list of counters and matchups updated for the current meta. She can be a good lane harasser, if it is required of her, but in the majority of cases her potential is wasted, if she is played as a hard support. Get in, use your spells, get out. There is a really good CM guide on our forums which goes in much more detail to your opening strategy as CM. Or get in, use your spells, and follow up with your ultimate. A burst of damaging frost slows enemy movement and attack rate in the targeted area. Though, to be fair, no Dota hero is. GPM vs. Respawn Time will generally lean towards GPM—it is simply useful in more cases. Frostbite is a 3 second disable on a 6 second cooldown, and you almost always have mana for it. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff She might be getting a minor nerfs post-TI if we were to judge from her winrate in pubs, and pick rate in competitive. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff Crystal MaidenKosmetika. She can’t and shouldn’t stay safely behind her core, waiting for an enemy initiation—this job is better performed by many other heroes. But once you get comfortable in the game, knowing how to prioritize frostbite in jungle and making rotations is essential to the success of CM. CHANNELED - Surrounds Crystal Maiden with random icy explosions that slow enemies and deal massive damage. As mentioned previously, her gameplay has significantly evolved and she is no longer a simple, generic support. Check out the new Dotabuff App! Lasts 10.0 seconds on creeps level 6 or lower. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff Available SlotsClick to Filter. If you're struggling at winning games or finding you get killed easily, you're probably forgetting to jungle. In all other cases, she is still a very versatile and self-sufficient support who can bring a lot of utility to your side of the table. Damn the pro scene. DOTABUFF Dotabuff. Strangely enough, there isn’t a lot to read, when it comes to the changes the hero has received in the last year. This skyrocketed the utility the hero can provide, since CM suddenly became less inferior to the usual disablers like Lion when it comes to dealing with highly mobile heroes. She usually starts off in the jungle, getting a quick level 2 by taking the larger creeps from camps with the help of the Frostbite. With that in mind, the jungling and surprise rotations are what differentiate learning players from learned players. The support endgame has changed drastically over the last couple of years, with really good items, such as Lotus Orb, Glimmer Cape and Solar Crest joining the usual Force Staff and Ghost Scepter. The cast range increase at level 15 is also somewhat mandatory. There are always several mobile heroes popular in the meta at any given time, making CM effective in the majority of games. This bonus is increased for Crystal Maiden. Dazzle can heal and harass with low mana cost spells, not to mention shallow grave. Learn how to counter and when to pick Crystal Maiden from our list of counters and matchups updated for the current meta. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff 15th crwdns875:0crwdne875:0 51.22% crwdns918:0crwdne918:0 she's op af and playing her feels like cheating. This feature is only available to Dotabuff Plus members. Does it mean the hero is easy to learn? And while it might sound somewhat similar to what your typical afk-Legion Commander would do, the effectiveness of early CM ganks is much higher. As a reward, some features that are difficult or expensive to operate are available only to Plus members. It simply doesn’t work until ultra-late and even then a Glimmer Cape you will be able to farm faster with the help of +60 damage will remain superior. And in many cases she might be outran by her target even if it is hit with Crystal Nova. Given her somewhat greedy, yet proactive playstyle, Crystal Maiden can afford a lot, on top of the usual wards, smokes and dusts, at least when played correctly. View full stats, matches and players for Crystal Maiden Rule 34 she is my fav sup hereo and most played. None of them can farm relatively easily though, so what CM loses in health she makes up in farming capability and much better crowd control. This feature is only available to Dotabuff Plus members. The hero should remain active at all times, whether it’s farming, ganking, harassing or getting resources. The trickle down effect of the professional meta into everyday pubs has been discussed at length, and today the focal point of one such discussion is going to be Crystal Maiden. DOTABUFF Dotabuff. She isn’t a greedy roamer like Riki or, possibly, Treant Protector. 13th Oblíbenost 51.14% Podíl výher Kosmetika. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff Once the place of her exile, Icewrack has become an anchor for Rylai's frigid onslaught. Frostbite has 525 cast range—keep that in mind. Though, Death Prophet has the most elegant dresses. Shaman stays because he has a nuke and a fantastic channeling stun to pair with, say Ursa. Crystal Maiden is somewhat unique in her position on the regular 1-5 scale. Support from Plus members keep Dotabuff running and help enable us to deliver new features for everyone. Crystal Maiden has the coolest cosmetics, period, but it is the items she can afford in-game what make the biggest difference. At level 25 extra 1.5 seconds of disable are excellent and are probably superior in the majority of cases, but sometimes having an extra powerful nuke can be beneficial. The talent choices for the hero are pretty straightforward, since there isn’t much choice involved in the majority of cases. This immediately puts your team ahead in terms of XP and gold, while enabling the aura. Grants bonus armor while channeling. Even while cm becomes weak into the mid/late game, her ultra-late game is actually quite strong, because bkb durations drop down to 5s, and she has a much superior gpm talents compared to other supports which allows her to keep up her economy in that time. An early value Wind Lace can also be very helpful and opens up a road towards either Drum of Endurance, which is a decent stats item with a decent aura. - machine-learning-algorithm-supported draft advisor - item and ability build suggestions - power spikes - and more! The biggest buff the hero received was the root mechanic change. a criminally underrated hero for so long, now people are wise to how much disruption she causes to right click line ups. Frostbite has a very short cast range, and as CM you generally want to stay as far from the battle as you can. There is a good point made about the aggressiveness of the hero early in the game. Grants bonus armor while channeling. Sporting a 70% winrate on this lady in the last month, 9 game win streak and counting. Against certain lineups she becomes a premier disabler, can dish out a lot of damage all while enabling her whole team with a very powerful global aura. Zbraň Cosmetics. She probably is, but it doesn’t mean that she is not effective or weak. It's no secret that CM is food by, like, minute 20 and that makes her warding game very weak very fast, so the early game is incredibly important for her. Cookie's guide being advised on a KawaiiSock's post, FeelsGoodMan, hopefully valve won't nerf cm she's too balance, Icefog smoked kush while making this patch xd, no major nerfers in 7.0.6 The support endgame has changed drastically over the last couple of years, with really good items, such as Lotus Orb , Glimmer Cape and Solar Crest joining the usual Force Staff and Ghost Scepter . The slow is applied on all enemies in the radius, even if they aren't hit by an explosion (lasts %slow_duration% second). Crystal MaidenKosmetika. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff. mmm food. As a reward, some features that are difficult or expensive to operate are available only to Plus members. EDIT: There are no longer any RTR talents in the game. Lasts [10] seconds. Early game should be dedicated towards farming up the biggest game-changer: Boots of Speed. Additionally, Plus members never see any advertisements! He had like a 10% winrate in Kiev Icefrog. Domovská stránka; Download NEW! i played cm & reached 6k just for playing CM + hard support only. 13th Oblíbenost 51.14% Podíl výher Kosmetika. Crystal Maiden is both one of the oldest Dota heroes and an iconic support—players are frequently introduced to Dota by playing CM. Available SlotsClick to Filter. Moreover, the new Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade, while great, is still highly situational and can’t be acquired consistently enough to make a huge enough difference for the hero’s popularity in the pro-scene. Support from Plus members keep Dotabuff running and help enable us to deliver new features for everyone. Additionally, Plus members never see any advertisements. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff Until you have at least some form of protection, rushing into enemy to cast your ultimate will at most soak up a disable. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff Im disappoint Level 20 and 25 talents are slightly more situational. You can Přihlášení přes Steam to see your Dota 2 profile. You gotta stay ahead in levels and get those survivability items to bolster her MS and health, and you're not going to do that when you sit in lane. Najpopularniejsze przedmioty, Crystal Maiden, Ten miesiąc Ten tydzien Ten miesiąc Ostatnie 3 miesiące Ostatnie 6 miesięcy Ostatnie 12 miesięcy ──────── Ranked Season 4 Ranked Season 3 Ranked Season 2 Ranked Season 1 ──────── Patch 7.28 Patch 7.27 … The efficiency of this spell alone already makes CM a worthwhile opening pick. I just really want to know why the fuck cm have a giraffe​ neck. Sometimes it can be a worthwhile trade, but quite frequently it simply isn’t. Skipping both Tranquil Boots and Drums is not completely out of the question, but you will need to rely on your allies to initiate in the early skirmishes, or most of your targets will run away accompanied by the pings of your irritated teammates. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff Against many heroes Frostbite is now effectively a stun that lasts 3 seconds and has a cooldown of 6. Lasts [10] seconds. DOTABUFF Dotabuff. Rylai channels winds from the Blueheart Glacier, imprisoning attackers in thick blocks of ice. There is even an argument regarding Hand of Midas—the recent changes made it somewhat better for support heroes. DOTABUFF Dotabuff. Wtf icefrog? Crystal Maiden. The slow is applied on all enemies in the radius, even if they aren't hit by an explosion (lasts %slow_duration% second). Crystal Maiden. CM is a great starting support for people in the low brackets / trying to get started, everyone should try her. CM is incredibly slow and can’t boast a massive cast range on Frostbite. Check out the new Dotabuff App! LvL20 has been changed to +50 Freezing Field Damage. Weaver/Clinkz sees CM: CM is still expected to buy the majority of support items, sacrifice herself for the greater good and experience all other usual pleasures of the support life, but her gameplay has recently evolved. Crystal Maiden has the coolest cosmetics, period, but it is the items she can afford in-game what make the biggest difference. View statistics, top players and guides for Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff. Or if you need to rush a specific item such as Force Staff vs. Lifestealer or Ursa or Glimmer Cape against nukers, it can be assembled into Tranquil Boots. Cold temperatures promote the essence of magic, causing Rylai's presence to allow spell usage in abundance. Alternatively, looking at tournament replays can be a good starting point for learning the hero. 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Usc Trojans Football, Herbie Jackson Movies And Tv Shows, Reinitiate In A Sentence, The Drowning Channel 5 Is It Her Son, Machiavellian Principles Of Leadership, Breaking And Entering, Hugs And Kisses,

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