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Gallienus then told the herald to proclaim: “He practiced deceit and then had it practiced on him.” The emperor let the jeweler go home. Colosseum architects made some changes to allow new methods of stagecraft. How many were elderly with pneumonia or other lung diseases is unclear. If there are many more cases in reality, then the case fatality ratio will be lower.” Edmunds went on to say, “What you can safely say […] is that if you divide the number of reported deaths by the number of reported cases [to get the case fatality ratio], you will almost certainly get the wrong answer.” The WHO under Tedros seems to be erring on the side of spreading panic. In the late 16th century, Pope Sixtus V, the builder of Renaissance Rome, tried to transform the Colosseum into a wool factory, with workshops on the arena floor and living quarters in the upper stories. (The soggy spectacles ended in the late first century A.D., when the Romans replaced the wood supports with masonry walls, making flood- ing the arena impossible.). If there are many more cases in reality, then the case fatality ratio will be lower.” Edmunds went on to say, “What you can safely say […] is that if you divide the number of reported deaths by the number of reported cases [to get the case fatality ratio], you will almost certainly get the. Terms of Use The executions dramatized the remorseless force of justice that annihilated enemies of the state. By then, local legends and pilgrim guidebooks described the crumbling ring of the amphitheater’s walls as a former temple to the sun. To Renounce Flesh and Blood 4. Emperor Gallienus punished a merchant who had swindled the empress, selling her glass jewels instead of authentic ones, by setting him in the arena to face a ferocious lion. While it is next to impossible to get a full picture of what is taking place in China, the center of the novel virus storm, there is a process, being fed by mainstream media accounts and genuine panic in populations unclear what the real dangers are, that has alarming implications for the post-pandemic future. Following a $1.4 million renovation project, the hypogeum was opened to the public this past October. By applying his knowledge to eyewitness accounts of the Colosseum’s games, Beste was able to engage in some deductive reverse engineering. Rare Owl With Bright Orange Eyes Seen for the First Time in More Than 125 Years, Rarely Seen Portrait of Renaissance Queen Catherine de' Medici to Go on View, The True Story of Amazon's 'Underground Railroad', Biologists Catch Enormous 'Real Life River Monster' in Michigan, Vesuvius Victim Identified as Elite Roman Soldier Sent on Failed Rescue Mission, Melting Glacier in the Italian Alps Reveals Trove of World War I Artifacts, Why Cats Love to Sit in Boxes—Even Fake Ones, According to Science, Why Historians Should Reevaluate Mary Todd Lincoln's Oft-Misunderstood Grief, England's Cerne Abbas Giant Dates to Saxon Period, A Jet-Black, Bioluminescent 'Football Fish' Washed Up on a California Beach, Thirteenth-Century Angkor Was Home to More People Than Modern Boston. When the cage opened, however, a chicken walked out, to the delight of the crowd. On Sunday the Sunday Sun newspaper reported that President Jacob Zuma and controversial SABC chairperson Ellen Tshabalala have been in an intimate relationship for years.Tshabalala has come under criticism recently for allegedly faking various aspects of her curriculum vitae. She has however refused to either stand up her alleged qualifications (including a UNISA degree) or to resign. The killed wild animals symbolized how Rome had conquered wild, far-flung lands and subjugated Nature itself. At the ludi meridiani, or midday games, criminals, barbarians, prisoners of war and other unfortunates, called damnati, or “condemned,” were executed. From his “let the bodies pile high” remarks to refurb-gate, Boris Johnson is once again mired in scandal. No such relief was provided for those working in the hypogeum. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The government and its inequality 23 hours ago. In the years that followed, the Colosseum became a popular destination for botanists due to the variety of plant life that had taken root among the ruins. The CDC estimates 45 Million Flu Cases, and 61,000 what they deftly call “Flu-Associated” Deaths in 2017-2018 US Flu Season. 1. The first is the absence of a real working profitable trading system for most traders! Necromancers went there at night to summon demons. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Literary and epigraphic accounts of these spectacles dwell on the exotic menagerie involved, including African herbivores such as elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses and giraffes, bears and elk from the northern forests, as well as strange creatures like onagers, ostriches and cranes. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. Growing media promotion in the West of shop shelves bare of everyday essentials such as rice, pasta, toilet paper is feeding panic buying everywhere. I wait for you at the edge of sanity. The WHO and the USA CDC some years ago changed the definition of deaths from seasonal flu to “deaths of flu or pneumonia.” The CDC calculates only an approximate flu death count by totaling death certificates processed that list “pneumonia or influenza” as the underlying or contributing cause of death. That’s because globally we have not tested all who might have mild cases of the virus and the accuracy of those tests are anything but 100% certain. Major airlines are being financially devastated as people around the world cancel holiday flights, as are cruise ship lines. The CDC estimates 45 Million Flu Cases, and 61,000 what they deftly call “Flu-Associated” Deaths in 2017-2018 US Flu Season. Despite this, influenced by a steady stream of mainstream media images of empty shop shelves in Italy, of police cordons around Washington State nursing homes said to house several presumed Coronavirus patients, of pictures of Iranian hospitals filled with body bags, millions of citizens are understandably becoming alarmed and fearful. Beste also identified 28 smaller platforms (roughly 3 by 3 feet) around the outer rim of the arena—also used for scenery—that were operated through a system of cables, ramps, hoists and counterweights. "I watch you. Beste and his colleagues spent four years using measuring tapes, plumb lines, spirit levels and generous quantities of paper and pencils to produce technical drawings of the entire hypogeum. F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”, The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. It is important to have a perspective on the apparent deaths provably due to COVID-19. The report in question has the bland title, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.” It was published in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. Then other archaeological elements fell into place, such as the holes in the floor, some with smooth bronze collars, for the capstan shafts, and the diagonal indentations for ramps. The Roman poet Martial, who attended the inaugural games, describes a criminal dressed as Orpheus playing a lyre amid wild animals; a bear ripped him apart. I know the terrible darkness that hides behind your well-rehearsed lies. It can be useful when you need periodic AoE burst, but also has that quirk of making you feel bad for using Fan of Knives too early. The Roman historian and biographer Suetonius wrote that if technicians botched a spectacle, the emperor Claudius might send them into the arena: “[He] would for trivial and hasty reasons match others, even of the carpenters, the assistants and men of that class, if any automatic device or pageant, or anything else of the kind, had not worked well.” Or, as Beste puts it, “The emperor threw this big party, and wanted the catering to go smoothly. A Portrait of Anne of Cleves or Catherine Howard? The guesswork ends when you meet Heinz-Jürgen Beste of the German Archaeological Institute in Rome, the leading authority on the hypogeum, the extraordinary, long-neglected ruins beneath the Colosseum floor. In China alone the estimate for seasonal influenza-associated (including pneumonia) deaths was about 300,000 in 2018. One scenario carries the intriguing title, “LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” Here it gets interesting as in what some term predictive programming. Vast Forest of Impaled Cadavers 3. Reconstructing the complex machinery that once existed under the Colosseum floor by examining the hypogeum’s skeletal remains, he has demonstrated the system’s creativity and precision, as well as its central role in the grandiose spectacles of imperial Rome. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both, Then the scenario gets very interesting: “During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. We know that variables (age, gender, culture, and social setting, among them) influence the frequency and character of a grin, and what purpose smiles play in the broader scheme of existence. Inhumation by Unflesh, released 02 April 2021 1. As of March 3, 2020 according to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom, worldwide there were a total of 90,893 cases of COVID-19, with 3,110 resulting in death. Tedros stated, “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. What is being done in city after city and country after country is cancellation of major events where many people come together. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. The floor of the colosseum, where you might expect to see a smooth ellipse of sand, is instead a bewildering array of masonry walls shaped in concentric rings, whorls and chambers, like a huge thumbprint. The earcollects a whispered word. The Sepulchral Depths 8. It was led by the editor’s standard-bearers and typically featured trumpeters, performers, fighters, priests, nobles and carriages bearing effigies of the gods. The champagne was pouring, the corridors permeated with the smell of tobacco and glistening decorations, the dance floors filled with laughter, smiles and loose feet. “We do not report all the cases,” says Professor John Edmunds of the Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Contestants adhered to rules enforced by a referee; if a warrior conceded defeat, typically by raising his left index finger, his fate was decided by the editor, with the vociferous help of the crowd, who shouted “Missus!” (“Dismissal!”) at those who had fought bravely, and “Iugula, verbera, ure!” (“Slit his throat, beat, burn!”) at those they thought deserved death. Most popular of all were the leopards, lions and tigers—the dentatae (toothed ones) or bestiae africanae (African beasts)—whose leaping abilities necessitated that spectators be shielded by barriers, some apparently fitted with ivory rollers to prevent agitated cats from climbing. In 1813 and 1874, archaeological excavations attempting to reach it were stymied by flooding groundwater. But rather than being any mortal wound to his prime ministership, the controversies speak to a much bigger problem at the heart of British politics: what counts as corruption, and how little it seems to matter, writes Samuel Earle. In the Search to Stall Aging, Biotech Startups Are Out for Blood, An Exclusive Look at James Turrell's Visionary Artwork in the Arizona Desert, An Epic Monarch Migration Faces New Threats. In medieval times it was much safer for a person to be feared than loved because people who feared their leaders were much less likely to revolt, as Machiavelli describes on page 65 of The Prince.However, in today’s society the type of government affects whether a leader would rather be feared than loved. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months…” He continues, “The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. The Abbey with its many corridors and dark rooms presents the perfect setting for intrigue and deceit.Roland’s character becomes more subdued and the monks become the target for Pagan’s laconic narration. Here facts become very imprecise. Starring: Anna Torv, Jacki Weaver, Dan Wyllie. They might be pitted against each other in savage fights or dispatched by venatores (highly trained hunters) wearing light body armor and carrying long spears. By the early 19th century, the hypogeum’s floor lay buried under some 40 feet of earth, and all memory of its function—or even its existence—had been obliterated. “Rocks have crept along,” Martial wrote, “and, marvelous sight! If it did not, the caterers sometimes had to pay the price.”, To spectators, the stadium was a microcosm of the empire, and its games a re-enactment of their foundation myths. The information on Lock Step begins at about the two-thirds point of the article. Murder, robbery, arson, outrage, torture, treachery, deceit, hypocrisy, cupidity, holiness. Photographer Dave Yoder is based in Milan. The question now is how the relevant authorities in the West will use this crisis. China orders burning of cash notes claiming they might be contaminated. The domains of history, destiny, intrigue and plots are his chief interests, and in pursuit of these aspects he listens to the dreams and hopes of all and watches their plans take form. The walls and the floor bear numerous slots, grooves and abrasions, obviously made with great care, but for purposes that you can only guess. Down through the centuries, people filled the hypogeum with dirt and rubble, planted vegetable gardens, stored hay and dumped animal dung. So far, this seems like pretty standard meme fare, right? He also studied the cranes that the Romans used to move large objects, such as 18-foot-tall marble blocks. Undocumented work by peers, and dishonest behaviour, particularly in matters of business, is a common theme of rumours around the corridors of power. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”. A relevant question is whether certain bad actors, and there are some in this world, are opportunistically using the widespread fears around the COVID-19 to advance an agenda of “lock step” top down social control, one that would include stark limits on travel, perhaps replacing of cash by “sanitary” electronic cash, mandatory vaccination even though the long term side effects are not proven safe, unlimited surveillance and the curtailing of personal freedoms such as political protests on the excuse it will allow “identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated,” and countless other restrictions. The confusion is compounded as you descend a long stairway at the eastern end of the stadium and enter ruins that were hidden beneath a wooden floor during the nearly five centuries the arena was in use, beginning with its inauguration in A.D. 80. Get the best of Smithsonian magazine by email. It was a tense Friday morning – June 23, 2006. The winning gladiator collected prizes that might include a palm of victory, cash and a crown for special valor. Raila's change of … For example, the retiarius (or “net man”) with his heavy net, trident and dagger often fought against a secutor (“follower”) wielding a sword and wearing a helmet with a face mask that left only his eyes exposed. Another suffered the fate of Hercules, who burned to death before becoming a god. "Its complexity was downright horrifying," says Beste. • Part one is the 'Economic Agenda' of the 11 counties where they will ask Ruto to give a concrete plan for the region's economic development. A smile begins in our sensory corridors. The French Louvre reopens but does not accept cash, only cards, as paper might be contaminated. But a statement about a death rate more than three times that of seasonal flu is a real panic-maker if true. When Beste and a team of German and Italian archaeolgists first began exploring the hypogeum, in 1996, he was baffled by the intricacy and sheer size of its structures: “I understood why this site had never been properly analyzed before then. A wood, such as the grove of the Hesperides [nymphs who guarded the mythical golden apples] is believed to have been, has run.”. Some gladiators belonged to specific classes, each with its own equipment, fighting style and traditional opponents. Gaunt Sussex-born actress of Scottish descent whose dignified manner and plain, but expressive features qualified her for a wide range of character parts, from austere nurses and long-suffering mothers to overbearing dowagers and nosy gossips; from meddlesome chaperones to authoritarian aunts and intransigent spinsters. I listen. Here it is useful to go back to a highly relevant report published a decade ago by the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the world’s leading backers of eugenics, and creators of GMO among other things. 18th Annual Photo Contest Winners and Finalists Announced! Director: Shin'ya Tsukamoto | Stars: Shin'ya Tsukamoto, Takahiro Murase, Takahiro Kandaka, Masato Tsujioka. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. We are told to accept the testing results as science-based. In the amphitheater above, the enormous vaulted passages sheltered cobblers, blacksmiths, priests, glue-makers and money-changers, not to mention a fortress of the Frangipane, 12th-century warlords. Beste has spent much of the past 14 years deciphering the hypogeum—from the Greek word for “underground”—and this past September I stood with him in the heart of the great labyrinth. “We do not report all the cases,” says Professor John Edmunds of the Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. The Schwartz scenario states, “In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. The disarray reflected some 1,500 years of neglect and haphazard construction projects, layered one upon another. KUWAIT CITY, April 8: Kuwait reported 1,379 infection cases with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on Thursday, raising the total number of cases to 242,848 and four deaths, swelling the overall count of fatalities to 1,383. Some damnati were released in the arena to be slaughtered by fierce animals such as lions, and some were forced to fight one another with swords. Others were dispatched in what a modern scholar has called “fatal charades,” executions staged to resemble scenes from mythology. Snacks also fell from the sky as abundantly as hail, one observer noted, along with wooden balls containing tokens for prizes—food, money or even the title to an apartment—which sometimes set off violent scuffles among spectators struggling to grab them. Naturally the numbers help spread fear and sell seasonal flu vaccines whose positive effect is, Worldwide, the CDC estimated in a study in 2017 that, “between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza-related respiratory illnesses, The Schwartz scenario states, “In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Eyewitnesses describe how animals appeared suddenly from below, as if by magic, sometimes apparently launched high into the air. In a statement to KUNA, Ministry of Health’s official spokesperson Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad said 1,234 people recovered from the virus, … I see the hatred in your eyes, well hidden behind courtly graces. Holocaust of Stars 7. To create this artificial lake, Colosseum stagehands first removed the arena floor and its underlying wood supports—vertical posts and horizontal beams that left imprints still visible in the retaining wall around the arena floor. Then the scenario gets very interesting: “During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Following the executions came the main event: the gladiators. The official spectacle, known as the munus iustum atque legitimum (“a proper and legitimate gladiator show”), began, like many public events in Classical Rome, with a splendid morning procession, the pompa. Today, many people can imagine this for themselves. A man wakes up to find himself locked in a cramped concrete maze of corridors, in which he can barely move. Much of the Rockefeller 2010 scenario is already evident. Countries are introducing laws such as in the UK allowing legal detention of citizens who might have a virus. Weeds grow waist-high between flagstones; caper and fig trees sprout from dank walls, which are a patchwork of travertine slabs, tufa blocks and brickwork. “Can you imagine how a few elephants must have sounded?”. He doesn't remember why he is there or how he got there. All crimes and all vices are contained in this one word Inquisition. War for control over the French port city of Marseille breaks out, when the long-running mayor Robert Taro (Gerard Depardieu), clashes with his former protégé, Lucas Barret (Benoit Magimel). To test his ideas, Beste built three scale models. Exposing those who Worship at the Altar of Deception, Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to Establish Global Authoritarian Power. He has a terrible stomach injury and is slowly bleeding to death. No other word in all languages is so hateful as this one that owes its abhorrent preeminence to its association with the Roman Church. At the peak of its operation, he concluded, the hypogeum contained 60 capstans, each two stories tall and turned by four men per level. Finally, under Benito Mussolini’s glorification of Classical Rome in the 1930s, workers cleared the hypogeum of earth for good. “We know that it was horrible,” says Mary Beard, a classical historian at Cambridge University, “but at the same time people were watching myth re-enacted in a way that was vivid, in your face and terribly affecting. Forty of these capstans lifted animal cages throughout the arena, while the remaining 20 were used to raise scenery sitting on hinged platforms measuring 12 by 15 feet. Keep up-to-date on: © 2021 Smithsonian Magazine. The first major phase of the games was the venatio, or wild beast hunt, which occupied most of the morning: creatures from across the empire appeared in the arena, sometimes as part of a bloodless parade, more often to be slaughtered. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. Paired vertical channels that he found in certain walls, for example, seemed likely to be tracks for guiding cages or other compartments between the hypogeum and the arena. The problem is that no one can say precisely what the true death rate is. The fiasco with the US CDC, where the putative tests for the novel virus were shown defective, underscores the fact that the testing for the now-named virus, SARS-CoV-2, said to cause the disease called COVID-19, is anything but 100% reliable. “The hypogeum allowed the organizers of the games to create surprises and build suspense,” Beste says. Because the emperor himself was often the host of the games, everything had to run smoothly. “The act of political deceit is a pandemic in our political arena and we need to deal with it systematically and quickly. Tzeentch is a God of Chaos who represents the vitality and volatility of change. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Although set in medieval times, this is a mystery-thriller aimed to entertain teenage readers. Watch all you want. Will it continue as predicted? The report contains various futurist scenarios developed by Schwartz and company. Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Magazine Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months…” He continues, “The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. As the reported numbers grow, so does widespread nervousness, often in the form of panic shopping for masks, disinfections, toilet paper, canned goods. WHO warns about paper money contagion risk. “But our measurements were precise, and the models helped us to understand how these lifts actually worked.” Sure enough, all the pieces meshed into a compact, powerful elevator system, capable of quickly delivering wild beasts, scenery and equipment into the arena. But don’t assume this is all just part of the randomness of the internet. or Amid what is clearly confusion among many well-meaning health officials and likely opportunism by Western vaccine makers like GlaxoSmithKline or Gilead and others, with alarming speed our world is being transformed in ways just months ago we could not have imagined. Like a ship, too, everything could be disassembled and stored neatly away when it was not being used.” All that ingenuity served a single purpose: to delight spectators and ensure the success of shows that both celebrated and embodied the grandeur of Rome. “Today we’d probably use a laser scanner for this work, but if we did, we’d miss the fuller understanding that old-fashioned draftsmanship with pencil and paper gives you,” Beste says. Naturally the numbers help spread fear and sell seasonal flu vaccines whose positive effect is anything but proven. Without taking into account phenomena such as a brokers’ deceit, there are two main reasons that explain such a situation. The fiasco with the US CDC, where the putative tests for the novel virus were shown defective, underscores the fact that the testing for the now-named virus, SARS-CoV-2, said to cause the disease called COVID-19, is anything. 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