Nobunagumn is the story of Sio Ogura, a female student who happens to be the reincarnation of Oda Nobunaga, the infamous Japanese samurai. After an incident takes place on a school field trip, she becomes an E-Gene Holder and a member of the organization DOGOO, where she trains to defeat the Evolutionary Invading Objects with her AU weapon; a massive arm gun.
Nobunagun is an 2014 shonen anime, it is produced by Bridge and licensed by Funimation. It is currently available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Nobunagun won’t be for everyone, while it’s charming animation and visuals are pretty to look at, it features some yuri undertones and rather gory action. Admittedly it’s fun watching mainly due to Sio Ogura not being your average female lead. Nobunagun also makes it hard to wonder if the 13 episodes were too little or just right.
THE GOOD: If you’re into a little bit of gore with your anime, then there’s some here in Nobunagun. The action series, while silly at times features some cool fight scenes here and there & the visuals and animation makes them pop. The character of Sio being somewhat of an anti-female lead is also one of the major pluses of Nobunagun.
THE BAD: There’s yuri undettones in Nobunagun between Sio and Asao mostly, which end up going nowhere and seem pointless beyond fanservice purposes. The gore and animation won’t be for everyone, and those who like more unique stylization similar to Nobunagun will only be able to appreciate it.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Nobunagun is going to be one of those anime series that’s hit or miss, and may be more miss rather than hit for some. The female lead Sio Ogura is one of the more appealing features of Nobunagun, and the animations style for those who appreciate anything similar. The yuri undertones were rather annoying and pointless, but the action, visuals, and the lead character make up for the mishaps. Otaku Dome gives Nobunagun: The Complete Series an 75 out of 100.
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