Activision has released new details over Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark. It has been confirmed that this is indeed a sequel to 2012’s acclaimed Fall of Cybertron, High Moon’s name has been brought up, but it’s unclear if they have any involvement with the title, as it was previously stated that the developers of Loadout; Edge of Reality would be taking over development. The fan favorite Escalation multiplayer mode will be returning, and it is set for a June release, though no date was revealed. What’s odd is that Activision confirmed that over 40 characters would be playable, though it’s likely that most of them are only playable through multiplayer. The Cybertron franchise will be merged with the film franchise with the release of Rise of the Dark Spark, moving forward, but will not have it’s storyline based on the Age of Extinction film. The game will hit Next-Gen and current-gen consoles and PCs. Gamers again have the option to be an Autobot or Decepticon.
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