After two long years Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure’s fifth manga part is finally adapted into anime form. Taking place in 2001, the fourth season of the acclaimed anime follows Giorno Giovanna ; formerly Haruno Shiobana who’s dream goal is to take over the top gang of the city and protect the weak from drug use.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind is the 2018 fourth season of shounen anime series Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. It is produced by David Productions and licensed by Viz Media. It is currently available for streaming on Crunchyroll.
Editor’s Note: This review contains near complete to complete spoilers for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind.
It’s been two hard years since Diamond is Unbreakable completed it’s animated run and now we finally have Vento Aureo/Golden Wind being animated with a 39 episode run. Episodes one and two bring us to Giorno Giovanna & Bruno Bucciarati meeting each other in combat. Giorno must learn even more about his Stand Golden Experience (Golden Wind in English) as he fights Bruno and his dangerous stand Sticky Fingers (Zipper Man in English).

GioGio has limited experience with his Stand Golden Experience, upon his first real battle with another Stand user he must learn as the battle goes on.
THE GOOD: The newest JoJo is here, or GioGio as Golden Wind prefers it. With a new Italy setting based in the Naples, we get a quick cameo of Jotaro & Koichi discussing the potential threat of a new Stand user in the country who is reportedly Dio Brandon’s son. After a brief meeting and confrontation with Koichi, Giorno Giovanna encounters a gangster named Leaky Eye. GioGio accidentally kills the gangster having used his Stand Golden Experience to defend himself. Soon after a comrade of Leaky Eye named Bruno Bucciarati who has been ordered to kill GioGio finds him and attacks with his Stand Sticky Fingers, shocking GioGio.
After the battle rages on eventually the two come to a stopping point when GioGio refuses to kill Bruno after discovering his true character despite being a gangster. Instead, GioGio offers Bruno who has similar ideologies as him the chance to have the former join the latter’s organization and destroy it from the inside out to control the drugs being sold from within Naples. I love how JoJo’s direction changes every arc. At one moment were having our heroes facing beasts of legends and the next we have them trying to become gangsters for noble reasons. Hirohiko Araki’s ability to go the distance with his writing to change & completely evolve the JoJo world is fantastic building and story design. In addition to the story, Araki’s character designs are also much more fleshed out and have a change in direction each arc going from the muscular Shounen design tropes to the more feminine as of part 5. Also can I just mention how perfect Coda is for a JoJo opening/closing performance? Fighting Gold is catchy as all hell.
THE BAD: Nothing in particular.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: JoJo’s Vento Aureo is here and it’s opening episodes do not disappoint. With an easy understanding of it’s characters in GioGio & Bruno, as well as a ton of action things are looking to be off to an absolutely fantastic start for the long running series’ fifth part. Otaku Dome gives JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind Episodes 1 & 2 a combined score of 95 out of 100.
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