It’s time for the ‘Breakpoint’ beta to come to an end and with that I put my final opinions on my experiences so far into words. Breakpoint is definitely different from most of the games I play as I don’t usually go out of my way for these online titles, mainly due to an inability to do so with poor internet and such. However, I can say that I at the very least I had a good time with ‘Breakpoint’ being my first proper time experiencing an online world.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a 2019 online shooter, it is developed and published by Ubisoft. It will be released on PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. The beta is available now and can still be experienced until September 9, 2019 at 3:00 AM PST.
Editor’s Note: Beta codes for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint were provided by Ubisoft in support of this preview. This is our final bit of coverage for the beta as it comes to a close and will focus on loot and any other missed pieces of information, our previous coverage can be read here and here.

We’re three weeks out from the release of the full game for Breakpoint and the beta has given a good amount of insight on what to expect. From the story to all the necessary ins and outs as a beta should. That being said as expected not everything will make it in or be representative of the full game. I don’t expect too much to be different other than some of the early first segments which is fairly standard from my experience with betas. There are occasions when beta content was present within the full game from beginning to end. And the only reason I’m saying this is because I don’t know if Nomad will be a created creator or not, as promotional art seems to showcase a preset character design for Nomad. Whatever the case, despite the likely minuscule changes ‘Breakpoint’ is shaping up to be one hell of a game, especially for those fairly new to these types of games.

Since I had yet to discuss this in the earlier discussion pieces on the beta I should talk about loot and how it works in ‘Breakpoint’. Again, keep in mind that this might not be representative of the full game and things could change, but in the beta loot is gathered by one of two ways; enemy drops and exploring the world map. Depending on how powerful the enemy is or how dangerous a certain area on the map is such as an enemy camp or base the higher the loot quality. These drops range from new weapons to clothing and other items. You can also get intel on more powerful weaponry and such through side missions collecting clues from performing certain tasks. I mentioned earlier that I did a VIP escort mission and one of those experiences is where you’re likely to gain the aforementioned intel for the more powerful gear. I forgot to mention some of the skills that are acquired through the game, I did bring up things like the parachute and night vision, but there’s dozens more such as drone unlocks, enemy marking, and extra perk upgrades. The beta only allowed for up to three perks available at a time (this will likely be increased in the full game). Enemy camps range from the simplistic stake outs to the much more advanced full on bases which requires increased levels to take on. However, one thing I love about ‘Breakpoint’ is the fact that it doesn’t require you to be a skilled virtual marksman in order to kill enemies. And what I exactly mean by that is the fact that the difficulty doesn’t feel forced at least in this version of the game. Higher level enemies can be one hit with a head shot with the right aim and weapon regardless of your character’s level and even without the head shot it’s still possible to take them down with a decent strategy. To give an example, I raided a level 20ish area enemy base at level 11 and I was able to kill several enemies with some decent combat planning and a little bit of luck.

It should be noted that you can switch classes in ‘Breakpoint’ at will and it’s encouraged to do so every so often by the game to give you a distinct edge over certain enemies. I was the Field Medic which naturally helps players with health management and a few other stat issues. I tried to do some multiplayer co-op, unfortunately I could never get a session to work right most likely due to clogged servers. I was even invited to a session by a random player and there was a ton of lag and a weird bug which didn’t allow me to play the mission but it read as completed on my end after a cutscene ran for a few minutes. ‘Breakpoint’ seems like a truly competent experience from the solo portion of the game, I again can’t judge the co-op portion as it didn’t work for me specifically, however not everyone will have that issue. So in that regard I’ll have to report back on my experiences while playing the full version of the game. I enjoyed the full five day course of the ‘Breakpoint’ beta and the level of promise that’s been made realized was definitely felt during the experience (mostly). I don’t know what the monetizing in ‘Breakpoint’ will be like I don’t think that was present within the beta, that or I just didn’t go looking for it and it was most likely in the hub world. Though Ubisoft tends to be fair with these live service model titles compared to others who have no issue nickle and dimming players to death, so we’ll have to look at that aspect of the game after it launches if it’s there. For my first deep dive into a beta impressions ‘Breakpoint’ was a sound experience and if the final game is anything like it then Ghost Recon fans have a lot to look forward to. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint launches October 4, 2019 for PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One.
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