To celebrate this year’s Anime Expo, Otaku Dome will host content relevant to the big show in July with exclusive content such as interviews. One such discussion is with one of Japan’s latest musical sensations, MIREI, which Cool Japan Music allowed us to chat with via e-mail:

1.) You’ve been performing professionally since you were 13. Where does 14-year-old MIREI differ from 24-year-old MIREI as an artist beyond youth and experience?
When I was 14 I literally knew nothing. But back then I felt everything was fresh and I am still glad that I could perform in such nice timing. In these 10 years, I went through so many things both professionally and personally and that made me start releasing in English too! 10 years ago I was a kid who dreamed of being a star, but now I feel like I’m expressing what I’m feeling through music. I think my songs became more real and closer for you. It definitely got much thicker and richer.
2.) I was surprised to see that as a Native Japanese woman, Britney Spears & Justin Timberlake, two American artists were your idols growing up. How did you come across their work in particular? Were you able to access Western TV easier compared to most Japanese kids your age at the time?
It’s definitely the influence of my parents. They didn’t really see the Japanese TV, and they were signing to the cable-TV system. That’s why I naturally grew up with many western cultures, like Cartoon Network and MTV. My parents also played compilation albums of US Top charts, especially R&B so those western pop-stars automatically became my idol. It’s much later that I found out I grew up in a unique environment, like attending school.
3.) Every US state and its major cities are different in style andattitude with how the people carry themselves. You spent some of your childhood in New York City did that have an influence on you as an
artist compared to somewhere in Japan like Osaka or Tokyo?
Yes, that influenced me a lot! Just like in the states, I feel like there’s a west side and east side in Japan. On the west side there’s Osaka and on the east side there’s Tokyo, and the vibes there feel similar to me. I grew up in Osaka, but moved to New York and got exposed to the new culture and customs there so it was a much smoother transition to fit in Tokyo city after that. Also, since I was living in New York and able to speak English I got more opportunities to meet people who have multi-cultural backgrounds who are mixed race or growing up in several cities. The experience in New York definitely gave me a broad view for everything from music to culture.
4.) What influenced you to have a better personal connection with your
Western fans by translating your songs into English?
I don’t sing my Japanese songs translated in English but I write my English songs, and I do because I grew up in western pop culture where pop stars express their life through music. Especially, Lady Gaga is my muse, and her music reflects how she lives on her album Born This Way. I think how western people listen to music and support musicians are a bit different from Japanese fans. Japanese fans seek empathy from music but Western fans find story from music. I don’t know why but I’m more like a western style of listening to music and writing music, so it was natural for me to do so.
5.) Do you feel like there’s a difference in style between Japanese artist MIREI and English-speaking MIREI? Do these styles of sound often clash with or complement each other?
It’s very interesting that I feel like I have two different personalities when I speak Japanese and English. They’re both me, and I have the same opinion but the way I express it is very different. It’s like, when I speak Japanese I get softer and nicer but when I speak English I get more direct and clear. But they’re both me and I don’t feel like they’re fighting against each other in my mind. It’s like I have two ways to speak and tell how I feel, and they get along well with me.
6.) You’re often very open and vocal about life in Japan as well as the idol industry as a whole. Were you surprised with how well your career has progressed in doing so without stepping on too many toes?
I’m not surprised at how safe I am through my journey, but I am so glad and thankful for my team who support me and save me. But there’s a time I thought if I step outta my way and my team, I would’ve been more successful or have more opportunities. Now I know it’s meaningless because I grew up enough, so furthermore I want to change the industry’s mind so nobody will have a thought like I used to have.
7.) What was it like signing with Sony Music at such a young age? What was your thought process?
Since I was young, I was in the strict trainee system so it was so natural to dream and work hard enough to get a contract with major labels. When I signed with them, I remember I felt like I finished job hunting. It was much later that I started to feel thankful for them, by discussing and creating what I want to express together.
8.) What do you like to do while on down time during tours?
I like to go to the local supermarkets and see people and products there. It’s good to go to photogenic places, or popular sightseeing spots but I prefer seeing and experiencing real life. In supermarkets, I also enjoy buying souvenirs. I always go on tour with a half empty bag, and it always becomes full when I go back to Tokyo.
9.) I read from K Profiles that you’re into astrology and tarot. I’m also interested in these myself after being surprised by some accuracy with my birthday and readings. What got you interested in it?
Do I…? I don’t know, did I talk about it in somewhere…? But generally, astrology and blood-type are very popular ways to know each other in Japan and I love it too! I didn’t know astrology is popular not only here but worldwide by watching videos on tiktok that talks about astrology, and I’m impressed. Also I’m into MBTI which is like a personality test, mine is ENTP so tell me what you got. Haha
10.) You’re a big fan of traveling, any places in particular that are top priority for you at the moment that you haven’t been?
I’m a person who likes to go somewhere far, but feel anxious if I just go there for a trip. Like, I really want to work. Am I a workaholic? Haha To perform I’m interested in touring Asia since I heard I have many fans there. To do sessions with, I wanna go to the UK because I have so many favorite musicians there, especially electronic music DJs.
11.) Where do you draw inspiration to begin your songwriting process? Do you have any rituals to start and aid the creative process?
It’s always the casual talk with my friends. I really love to talk and I have many friends who also love to talk, so when we meet up and get free time we just go into the cafe and talk there until the place closes. When I get a piece of inspiration I always write it down on my phone, and when it’s piled up enough for me to write something I start to make them into lyrics. For music, I don’t know why but I like to write the top line in the hot bathtub.
12.) You have a big performance scheduled for Anime Expo this year. Is this your first time performing for an anime specific audience? If so how have you planned to prepare yourself?
I’ve been to several Anime events and performed there, so I know how deeply they love anime and Japanese culture and I’m so glad I’m able to come back. Also, I got involved with anime culture personally more during the pandemic so now I feel like I can be friends with them more closely! I’m purely excited.
13.) Have you been reached out to for your music to be featured as any anime or video game theme songs? Do you have any projects and IP you’ve had your eyes on to feature your work in?
Not yet… As I said in the last question, now I’m so into anime culture, and I really wanna be a part of that. If I get a chance, I’ll write the original songs just for the anime, sprinkling the words and briefs of the story. I think my style of music fits to ending more than opening, so I’m gonna work hard and wait for the love calls.
14.) Are there any favorite titles you’ve been keeping up with lately?
Naruto and Evangelion will be forever in my heart. I just finished reading Demon Slayer by manga, and now I start to go further than the anime episodes of Oshi No Ko. It’s so interesting as a person who’s also in the Japanese entertainment industry because it tells the back side so realistic.
15.) Can you go over the meaning behind your latest single and album and what you have planned next?
I recently released “Lonely in Tokyo EP.” This song is the one I originally released in English in 2020, and it wasn’t available in Asia at first. This time I could finally release the song in Japan, so I made a Japanese version of it. In the original version in English, it tells you the story of how women like me who’s in Tokyo especially in entertainment industry feels loneliness. In Japanese one I got to more focused on the loneliness every women feels in Tokyo, with what have changed in Tokyo through pandemic. On the third track I made the Phonk House Remix, featuring BENXNI from STARKIDS who’s my favorite Japanese rapper and his crew. I asked him because personally I love how he and his fans are make a strong bond to each other through music, like it’s very gen-z.
16.) Have any Japanese artists influenced you in the same way Brittney and Justin have?
I started attending a dance studio in Osaka when I was in 2nd grade, and that led me to the path I’m walking on. And the moment I decided to go there was the Shota Shimizu. He was already attending there, and when I went there for a trial lesson I saw he roughly hummed and riffed a song while buying a bottle of water from the vending machine. That humming was hella good and I decided to go there! Right after I started attending there he debuted and became a star, and since then he’s been my huge inspiration. My song Dear My Boo is his song My Boo’s answer song and I’m glad I could make it. He just released another masterpiece, Insomnia recently. I think I just fangirled a bit too hard but I don’t regret it haha
17.) Do you have any career goals you feel you still need to accomplish? If so mind sharing them?
Since I debuted, my dream is to do a world tour. I haven’t done it yet, so I want to make it as soon as possible. It was blurry at first, but by releasing songs both Japanese and English I started to get many comments from all over the world to come to their cities. I’m surely stepping fcloser to them, so I can’t wait to make my dream come true!
18.) Any advice you’d like to give to young inspiring idols and artist?
Please remember your dream is for you and your fans, and your life is yours. There are so many kinds of power, and those “powerful” people tell you different opinions on your future as if it’s theirs. They confuse you so much that you might get to the point where you don’t know what you want and accomplish. Then, focus on your fans and yourself. So you can get back to where you started and be able to to see what you really want.
19.) Are there any up and coming artists you’ve been watching that you think have a lot of potential?
As a Japanese musician I keep an eye on other Japanese artists, and I’m impressed at how XG and AG (Atarashii Gakkou no Leaders) are rising to stardom. Both of them are my favorites! Also I’m a huge fan of kpop and fromis_9’s new album was amazing, I think they’ll be bigger in not only Asia but worldwide. I can tell it by their music. For Japanese bands, this time I’ll cover Nandemo Naiya by RADWIMPS. The vocalist who composes music and lyrics, Yojiro Noda, used to live abroad and speaks English. They’re already huge and they do world tours already, but I’m needy so now I’m interested in what if they make music in English. That would be amazing didn’t it?
20.) Hope you enjoy your time at Anime Expo, any upcoming projects or tours you’d like to promote?
Now I’m making a Japanese album, and that will be the first one since I revealed officially that I release my English songs. I think I’ll show the sides of me deeper than I used to, both musically and lyrically. Look forward to it!
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