The next major video game release for the Dragon Ball series revives a classic in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Initially announced as the fourth entry in the fan-favorite Budokai Tenkaichi series it appears the franchise will be undergoing a bit of a reboot for modern platforms. Featuring an interesting mix of realistic and seemingly nearly completely destructible arenas as well as the traditional anime-like, cel-shading graphics the new entry promises a “historic roster”. The game has already sparked rumors of representation from practically every piece of Dragon Ball media including the upcoming Dragon Ball Daima mini-series.
At The Game Awards, a new trailer was released showcasing some gameplay elements such as the aforementioned destructible stages and arenas. Also featured were many confirmed characters from Dragon Ball Z & Dragon Ball Super. It was also revealed that the original developer behind the series Spike Chunsoft would return for Sparking Zero. The last Budokai Tenkachi was released in 2007 on the Playstation 2. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero will release for PC, Playstation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.