Telltale has released new screens of their upcoming fourth episode in their The Wolf Among Us series:
Telltale has released new screens of their upcoming fourth episode in their The Wolf Among Us series:
Telltale Games has released new screens for their upcoming Borderlands spin-off Tales of Borderlands:
Image board website 4Chan has apparently leaked what may be the next Souls game, Dark Souls II released on console a few weeks back, and just recently released on PC. This new game entitled Project Beast looks similar to the original game in the Souls franchise, Demon’s Souls which was Read More ...
Focus Home Entertainment has released new screens showing off the player character’s companions for their upcoming action RPG Bound by Flame, which releases next Friday on PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360:
Telltale has released new screens of the upcoming third episode of their second season for The Walking Dead:
Focus Home Entertainment has released new screenshots for their upcoming Action-RPG Bound by Flame which releases on PC, Playstation 4. Playstation 3, and Xbox 360 on May 9, 2014:
Former Xbox employee Adam Orth’s game studio Three One Zero, which opened in September 2013, has announced their very first title; Adr1ft. This new game is set on a space station where the player character must survive and fix an broken escape pod: ADR1FT is an immersive First Person Experience Read More ...
Images for one of the two Assassin’s Creed games releasing on consoles this year has leaked (on next-gen only, one last-gen only). The image shows the player character, which was also leaked via promo work a few weeks ago. According to original source Kotaku these images are from an early Read More ...
Disney Interactive has confirmed that characters from their popular series Phineas and Ferb will be coming to the acclaimed Disney Infinity video game. The announcement came from this year’s annual toy fair event, a trailer of gameplay featuring Agent P & Phineas can be seen below:
Twentieth Century FOX has announced Family Game Mobile Game, FOX and TinyCo are developing the new title for a 2014 release. No platforms or game details have been revealed other than the fact that the game would have its’ own storyline. Speculation has already begun that the game would be Read More ...
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