The light novel series C3 has received an anime adaptation known as C3: CubexCursedxCuriousity. Starting from the opening moments of the light novel, C3 follows Yachi Haruki, a high schooler who was sent a strange cube by his antic collecting father. This cube ends up being an embodiment of human negativity named Fear, and a cursed tool.
C3:CubexCursedxCuriosity is an 2011 shonen anime series, it is produced by Silver Link, and licensed by Funimation. It is currently available on DVD and Blu-Ray in English subs.
C3 is an comedic anime with some good looking art and some ecchi. The plot is pretty interesting when you get into it, and it’s a pretty funny anime series if you’re looking for a good laugh in small doses, but don’t let it’s charm fool you this series knows how to go dark.
THE GOOD: C3: CubexCursedxCuriosity is a pretty looking anime series, the plot involves a cursed tool with a humanoid form named Fear. Fear has several forms of torture that she can use, which makes her dangerous, though from the opening moments of the anime you’d never expect this going in as a blind viewer. You can knock it out within a single afternoon due to the twelve episode count, but if you want something quick to marathon C3 isn’t exactly a bad choice. Despite the ecchi, the comedy is pretty funny, and the characters are likable and fun.
THE BAD: The ecchi can be annoying, but other times it can be funny, so it depends on how you personally feel about the genre when viewing.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: C3: CubexCursedxCuriosity is a fine anime series with some good comedy, great art, and some likable characters. There’s ecchi and it’s 50/50 on the ecchi being funny, but overall if you want some time to kill and want to avoid your anime genre of choice C3 could be the series to help out. Otaku Dome gives c3 an 77 out of 100.
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