In news that was already heavily speculated upon the announcement of three remastered Dragon Ball Z films datamined game date for upcoming Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC may have confirmed an ongoing fan theory and potential major spoiler for the upcoming Dragon Ball Super: Broly film. Do keep in mind that this news may contain spoilers for the upcoming film.
Last chance to avoid spoilers before the leak is unveiled:
Known data miner Komodo has released leaked info in regards to an “Extra Pack 3” of DLC for Bandai’s Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 fighting game. The pack lists the already confirmed Super Baby Vegeta 2 & Kefla, however it also strangely lists two new Broly and Gogeta units. Broly is clearly in reference to the now canonical version of the character, however Gogeta who has not yet been announced for the film is already in the game, which has seemingly spoiled the potential canonical debut of Gogeta in Dragon Ball Super: Broly. This was already theorized when the three remastered films were announced, as Bardock appearing in the film has been slowly hinted, even more so with the film being linked to the Dragon Ball Minus manga. Gogeta is the non-canon dance fusion of Goku and Vegeta who originally made his debut in the anime only film “Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn”. Gogeta hasn’t been seen in the anime since, unless of course you include GT (also non-canon) & animated cut scenes of Super Dragon Ball Heroes.
Extra Pack 3 Update [DATAMINE]
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— Komodo: Xeno (@komodoxeno) August 28, 2018