Everyone’s favorite chaotic, idiotic duo are back in Beavis & Butt-Head Do the Universe. In the new film acting as a series finale of sorts to the original series, Beavis & Butt-Head are transported from 1998 to 2022. Having been warned of becoming an anomaly that will destroy the multiverse they must return to their own timeline, but not before attempting to score first.

Beavis & Butt-Head Do The Universe is a 2022 animated comedy film, it is produced by Judgemental Films & distributed by Paramount+. It airs exclusively on Paramount+ for streaming.
Editor’s Note: Spoilers for Beavis & Butt-Head Do The Universe and the TV series may be present within this review.

If you grew up in the late 90s to mid-2000s you’ve likely heard of Beavis & Butt-Head. A show about two uniquely moronic teenagers living life to the fullest (as best as two stupid teens can anyways). The series had an even more unique way of providing social commentary through the hijinks of the two characters as well as its side characters. Another key element of Beavis & Butt-Head was the duo’s often scathing reviews and critiques of the music videos that would play as breaks between story beats during it’s original MTV run. While the music videos are absent in ‘Do the Universe’ everything else is as it should be.

THE GOOD: Sometime in 1998, Beavis and Butt-Head are at school during a science fair. After accidentally burning the school down a judge thinking they’re at risk teens sends them to space camp. While playing with a docking simulator the duo impress NASA Captain Serena Ryan who enlists them on their new mission which the two mistake as an offer for sex. While in space Beavis & Butt-Head cause an incident that leads to massive damage of the ship and even the death of a crewmate. The incident leads to Ryan offering to sacrifice herself to save the others from death via lack of oxygen which Beavis & Butt-Head again mistake for an offer for sex. They wear space suits and head outside to watch Serena change which angers her and she sends them flying through space leaving them behind telling the others the two “chose to sacrifice themselves” instead.
Having traversed space for sometime, Beavis and Butt-Head are sent through a blackhole where they’re transported to the future in the year 2022. Here they’re met with alternate universe & intelligent versions of themselves who warn that the two coming to the future has caused the blackhole to be on course with destroying all of the multiverse if they don’t return. Though they agree to return they’re immediately distracted by a billboard featuring Ryan and obtain an iPhone they steal after accidentally killing the family that own it. Throughout their travels Beavis gains feelings for Ryan after “bonding” with Siri and he & Butt-Head are hunted down by the US government being mistaken for aliens. After misunderstanding the concept of white privilege they’re arrested and sent to jail where Beavis as The Great Cornholio accidentally starts a riot and is commended by the guards who mistake his ramblings as an inspirational speech. The two are let go when the warden learns they’re from 1998 believing them to be angels.
They return to Beavis’ home where in 2022 Beavis’ mother has placed it for sale following his & Butt-Head’s disappearance and her inability to cope with the former’s loss. They get into an argument blaming each other for everything and storm off. Before reconciling they’re captured by the government. Ryan’s lieutenant Hartson frees them and says he knows what Ryan did. Smart Beavis & Butt-Head remind the two of the portal but are ignored. Everyone follows Beavis & Butt-Head back to Beavis’ home where Hartson who goes on a rant is sucked into the portal closing it. Smart Beavis deduces that Beavis & Butt-Head didn’t need to go through the portal to close it after all and anything could have done so (including a random brick as he puts it). Ryan realizes that Beavis & Butt-Head were never a threat to her and mistakenly thought she wanted to have sex with her. With encouragement from Butt-Head, Beavis attempts to confess to Ryan but is interrupted by Smart Beavis who does so instead. Ryan accepts and the two along with Smart Butt-Head travel the cosmos together.
In order to keep them quiet the government restores Beavis’ home and grants it to him & Butt-Head. Sometime later the Beavis & Butt-Head variants across the multiverse hold a celebration for Smart Beavis being the first to successfully have sex with Ryan who broke up with him shortly after.

Initially, I thought that ‘Do the Universe’ was connected to the 2022 series and it makes several instances in which that would be the case but this film is more like a proper ending for the 1998 original. Much of the slapstick and sex jokes you’d come to expect from Beavis & Butt-Head return for the film. Mike Judge who’s no stranger to using social commentary for his works also presented a nice handful of it here including a hilarious nod to white privilege. Titmouse did a very solid job with the modern coat of paint for the animation without it feeling “too far gone” from the original series’ animation style which is always something to worry about with classic animated series getting modern entries. It’s actually kind of insane that this movie was produced via communication on Zoom when you consider the quality and how competently made it wound up being. A lot of hoops had to be jumped through for this movie to become a reality and I commend Mike Judge and the team for managing to get the job done.

THE BAD: If you’re not at all familiar with Beavis & Butt-Head and ‘Do the Universe’ is your first go then the slapstick and consistent sex jokes might get a tad annoying.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe is another successful revival for the kids of the 90s. Even with rather unforeseen circumstances Judge & co. was hellbent on ensuring fans and newcomers alike would receive a fun movie and another win for adult animation fans. Otaku Dome gives Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe an 80 out of 100.
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