The final season to the anime adaptation of Hajime Isayama’s Attack on Titan has begun. Covering the final chapters of the original source which reaches it’s own end April of this year, the story follows Eren who has become completely hardened by war and potentially the visions he experienced after kissing Queen Historia’s hand. Now taking no prisoners Eren renews his thirst for revenge as he infiltrates Marley undercover.

Attack on Titan is a 2013 seinen anime series, it was originally produced by Wit Studio and further produced by MAPAA for it’s final season, it is licensed by Funimation. It is currently available on streaming and home media in English. Season four currently airs on Hulu, and Funimation Now.
Editor’s Note: Near complete to complete spoilers for Attack on Titan’s final season thus far may be present within this review.

The end begins for Eren Yeager and his friends in a bloody battle of Eldians vs Marleyans. Season four opens with a bit of a 180 having the first four episodes focused on life from the Marley point of view. New leads Falco, his brother Colt, Reiner’s cousin Gabi, and Reiner himself along with two other children & Zeke are the leading characters. The children are the four top candidates to inherit the Armored Titan from Reiner upon his thirteen year cycle reaching it’s limit. Following the successful takeover of an Eldian fort there’s time for peace in Marley, unbeknownst to them however Eldian forces have already invaded Marley from within the shadows.

THE GOOD: The season opens with a battle between Marley and Eldia at an Eldia stronghold that’s in the process of being taken over by Marley. Marley struggles with the overwhelming power the Eldia has stationed at the fort including anti-titan canons. Falco an Eldian child soldier living in Marley who was nearly killed on the battlefield is saved by his brother Colt. While getting patched up he’s reunited with the other child soldiers who are candidates to become the next Armored Titan following Reiner’s life expiring soon due to the time limit. Gabi, Reiner’s cousin and the top candidate to receive his titan is bragging about her skills as a soldier annoying Falco who’s in love with her. Falco’s goal is to inherit the Armored Titan so Gabi doesn’t have her life shortened. As Marley is pinned down by the Eldian forces Gabi comes up with a plan that involves her tricking the Eldians into thinking she’s an innocent girl caught in the battle only for her to derail an Eldian train with a bomb. The Jaw Titan Porco, Cart Titan Pieck , Armored Titan, and Zeke who uses his scream to turn Marley soldiers into titans gain the edge in battle and are able to successfully take the fort. Gabi is commended for her efforts in the battle. She and Falco soon enter a competition to raise their chances of becoming the heir to the Armored Titan with Falco impressing the higher ranks. Meanwhile Falco befriends a handicapped man who turns out to be Eren in disguise. Zeke announces his plan to use the Tybur family and their War Hammer Titan to declare war on Paradis Island with the intention of gaining aide from several other nations. Willy a member of the Tybur family agrees to the plan and sets in motion a theatrical performance explaining the truth behind the history of Eldia and Marley.
Out in the sea leading to Marley, Armin is discovered using his Colossal Titan to destroy Marley ships as the Survey Corps capture the soldiers to get their forces on their side. They meet a woman named Yelena who has personal interest in meeting Eren Yeager. While in Marley, Eren meets his grandfather without introducing his true identity and even mentally traumatizes him. Reiner himself begins to suffer from mental trauma due to his dual life in Marley and Paradis Island. His view on reality is waning with visions of the past haunting him nearly daily now. Willy begins the theater performance and begins to reveal the truth about the war. Reiner is dragged off by Falco to meet his “new friend” who Reiner instantly recognizes as Eren. Eren reveals that four years have passed since their last meeting. Reiner questions if Eren hates him for being responsible for the death of his mother to which Eren responds that he doesn’t due to himself and Reiner being so similar to each other. As Willy pleads with the nation leaders to join him as he doesn’t want to die, Eren titan shifts killing him and several of those in attendance including one of Gabi and Falco’s friends which Gabi sees much to her horror. As another friend attempts to save her he’s trampled to death by a fleeing crowd. The inheritor of the War Hammer Titan shifts and fights Eren. Nearly killed Eren is saved by Mikasa and the Survey Corps who kill much of Marley’s forces. Eren shifts again and with Mikasa’s help is able to remove the War Hammer Titan’s user from her titan body but she crystalizes before he can eat her. The Jaw Titan, Beast Titan, and Cart Titan arrive for back up after escaping a trap set up by Yelena. Levi attacks and seemingly kills Zeke after removing him from the Beast Titan’s body. Gabi runs off and chases the Survey Corps with a rifle after Sasha kills two Marley soldiers.
The Survey Corps aide Eren in subduing the Jaw Titan who Eren uses to break the crystallization of the War Hammer Titan’s user successfully eating her and gaining her titan power. Porco is horrified having been used as a tool for his ally’s death. After a brief battle with the Armor Titan, Eren and the others retreat on an airship lead by Hange Zoe. Eren is berated for his plan after being reunited with Armin. Gabi kills a member of the Survey Corps who’s attached to the airship and she along with Falco enter the ship as the Crops celebrate their victory. Gabi shoots and kills Sasha enraging the others who beat her and Falco. Levi imprisons Eren for his actions and lead Gabi and Falco to the back where they’re shocked to find a living Zeke who had been secretly working with the Survey Corps.

The final season of Attack on Titan tackles nearly every tragedy of war, invasions, murder (often senseless), torture, child soldiers and the PTSD that comes with surviving it all. If it weren’t for the fantasy of the series Attack on Titan’s final arc would feel a little too close to home for some. I love stories that age characters and show that time moves forward. It’s such good storytelling, but is often lost in today’s entertainment. It’s a nice plot device that tells us sometimes people change often for the better, but in Eren’s case it’s definitely for the worse. He’s been so mentally beaten with all the twists and turns involving his life it’s no wonder as to how he turned out as cold-hearted as he did. As they say war is Hell and there’s a lot of that in the fourth season. The altered perspective from the Marleyans is a bold choice. Outside of Reiner, Zeke, and Eren the series practically abandons the main cast we’ve known for several years now for multiple episodes in favor of newly introduced characters to expand the world and experiment with the plot.

THE BAD: If you’re not too familiar with Attack on Titan there’s gore, a ton of it. So if you’re not into that three seasons in there’s not much reason to expect different from season four. There’s also some 3D animation implemented into many titan sequences. While it looks insanely good compared to past uses of 3DCG in 2D anime it is noticeable and may be a turn off for some viewers.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Attack on Titan’s final season is a true beginning of the end in every sense of the phrase. Jam packed with fast paced storytelling and action and intense writing focused on a large roster of characters the season rarely misses a beat. It’s a bit sad that both the source material and anime adaptation are both ending so close together but with all good things come an unfortunate closing. Here’s hoping both wrap up the story in an ever-lasting memorable way. Otaku Dome gives Attack on Titan Final Season Part 1 a 90 out of 100.
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