Able Gamers is raising $1 Million for charity this weekend if anyone is interested in helping out, news below:
Over the weekend of March 19-21, AbleGamers COO Steven Spohn will head up the second round of fundraising as part of the “SpawnTogether” initiative that aims to raise $1 million for the charity by September 15, 2021 — Steven’s 41st birthday.
The sentiment behind the initiative is simple, albeit an unfortunate glimpse into reality; Steven’s goal of raising $1 million for the charity is to ensure the foundation and its charitable activities can outlive him.
“When you have medical professionals telling you that your terminal illnesses are going to kill you ‘any day now,’ you stop planning ahead. But here I am. After 15 years of putting my all into building an organization for disabled people to combat social isolation, my wish is for it to continue on without me, whenever that time comes,” Steven said, continuing, “If I have any chance of making this dream come true, I’m going to need all the help I can get.”

This time, though, Steven and the charity have more support behind the ambitious initiative than ever before. During the weekend of March 19th, some of the biggest names in online entertainment and the influencer community will rally to support AbleGamers in the form of donations through charity streams and digital events. The talent and brands supporting the March “SpawnTogether” fundraising initiative include iJustine, Alanah Pearce, Greg Miller, Felicia Day, CrankGameplays, Matthew Mercer, Bruce Greene, PaladinAmber, Liam McIntyre, LordMinion777, Kate Stark, Negaoryx, Rahul Kohli, and Bloodyfaster — just to name a few.
Getting involved is easy: Anyone who wishes to participate need only visit the dedicated Tiltify fundraising page and click ‘Start Fundraising’. Then, once a custom page is created, it’s all about driving supporters and donations to that page so that they can be tracked and totaled. Steven has also created a handy and comprehensive walkthrough guide with additional information — that can be found here.