Remember the days when Yu-Gi-Oh games like Duelist of the Roses were a blast to play while killing time? Legacy of Duelist is looking to bring back the time killing aspect of past Yu-Gi-Oh games, while actually giving players an genuinely fun gameplay experience. While the story is admittedly lax, the gameplay’s technical aspects & use of actual strategy makes Legacy of the Duelist one of the best card game experiences on console.
Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of the Duelists is an 2015 card simulator game, it is developed by Other Ocean Interactive and published Konami. It is available on Playstation 4 & Xbox One.
If you’re an Yu-Gi-Oh or card simulator fan, then Legacy of the Duelist is definitely worth your time. For $20 you get an extremely fun game that covers all 5 of the anime series (yes that includes Arc-V), that gives you 1,000+ cards to build a deck to your liking with. With brilliant AI that provides genuine challenge, and a great story mode that follows the canon of the franchise, Legacy of the Duelist delivers.

While the story isn’t the best due to the use of stills, the amount of the anime covered by it makes up for it.
THE GOOD: Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of the Duelist, packs in a lot with a little punch. Huge amount of anime coverage in the story mode and over 1,000+ cards to build a deck makes it perhaps the best Yu-Gi-Oh game to date. There was once a time where that wasn’t much of a feat, but Legacy of the Duelist has pushed the limits of Yu-Gi-Oh games on the budget it was given. There’s also online play for those looking to duel with their friends, and an card shop that uses in-game currency to buy more cards, though you have unlock character specific packs by completing a few chapters in story mode. Legacy of the Duelist also has DLC options for more cards and story mode chapters.
THE BAD: Legacy of the Duelist, despite being a fun game can be a little lifeless. The game board is just that a board that features your cards, and rarely animates unless an field card is placed. It was also a bummer to realize that only key monsters got attack animations, such as Dark Magician and Blue Eyes White Dragon, while others just simply had a line reaching the opponent’s card and destroying it. And you’ll find yourself with dud cards more often than not in the later chapters of the story mode, which is an annoyance, and can often lead to a quick loss, repeatedly. There were also some reused assets from previous games, that may be a personal bummer for some.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of the Duelist will bring many hours of joy to both Yu-Gi-Oh and card simulator games. At $20, the extremely impressive card catalog, AI, and gameplay brings a lot of hours to be enjoyed. The lifeless game board will disappoint longtime fans, but for what you get, Yu-Go-Oh: Legacy of the Duelist is the best Yu-Gi-Oh game to date.
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