Popular video game franchise Danganronpa has received it’s own anime adaptation. Based on the video game of the same name and focusing on main character Makato and the Hope Academy arc of the first video game, Danganronpa has students facing off in a game of survival in order to escape the hellish school and go to the outside world.
Danganronpa: The Animation is an 2013 seinen anime series based on the video game of the same name. It is produced by Lerche, and is licensed by Funimation. It is currently available on DVD & Blu-Ray, as well as streaming services.
Based on the popular video game of the same name Danganronpa, features characters of the first arc. From main character Makoto to robot teddy bear Monokuma, Danganronpa tries its damnedest to adapt the first video game faithfully, but has a tough time doing so due to time constraints.
THE GOOD: Danganronpa: The Animation does what it can with the amount of time given. The brutality of the killings and what was adapted in the anime was decently done. The animation is also fairly close to the game designs.
THE BAD: While a fairly OK adaptation of the game, Danganronpa: The Animation’s worst enemy is time. No one feels all that important due to time constraints, and the quick deaths hurt the story even further, which is unfortunate. Perhaps an episode count of at least 24 episodes would have been more appreciated.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Admittedly, for what it is, Danganronpa: The Animation is a fair job at adapting an video game into an anime. Time constraints however, is ultimately the downfall of Danganronpa: The Animation, and the lack of respective time for these characters may leave a bad taste in the mouth of long time fans of the video games, especially the first game in which Danganronpa: The Animation covers. Otaku Dome gives Danganronpa: The Animation an 65 out of 100.
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